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Fishing in heavy rock cover

I also recommend fresh cut shad. Channel cats (and blues to a lesser extent) locate food through receptors in their skin and barbels. They can detect enzymes in fish blood 7 times better than from terrestrial blood sources (liver). Any cut fish will be a superior bait than liver or prepared baits.

Check around and see if you have skipjack herring below dams or in rivers nearby. These can be caught with sabiki rigs and make great baits.

[Image: skipjack.jpg]

If you can't get shad or skipjack you might find suckers at local bait shops. Any dead suckers would make good cut bait and can be had for little or no price from baitshops.

You can countermeasure the rock problem a bit by using a breakaway rig. Attach the sinker side of a 3 way swivel with line lighter than the main line and sacrifice only the sinker when encountering snags.

[url ""][/url]

Hope this helps

Messages In This Thread
Fishing in heavy rock cover - by mike_c - 09-02-2007, 09:05 PM
Re: [Fishhound] Fishing in heavy rock cover - by katfish - 09-03-2007, 01:02 AM

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