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sonar/gps combo questions
Tom gave you some really great info, but let me break it down for you. The average Sonar unit reads to about 600' or so. The expensive ocean based ones can read around 1800'. Being that you're only fishing in 150' of water, the 600' sonar is more than enough.

The article was speaking of penetration. If your max depth is 150', and the sonar reads to 600', you'll never have to worry about the sonar not being able to pick up the bottom. The transducer is 6 times stronger than it has to be.

I would insure that the dual unit you get is color. That makes a world of difference during peak daylight hours when the sun is shining right on the screen. The canvas won't make a difference either way. The GPS unit I use now is a hand held. I have a top on my boat and the whole nine yards. The weather has never stopped me from fishing, and the GPS has never lost a signal. Tom mentioned that the external attena is better, and sure it might be. But I consider that over kill. If you're not navigating a 60' sportfisher 100 miles offshore, than the super duper GPS isn't necessary. That would be like taking a 50 caliber sniper rifle to hunt squirrel.

The 525C unit you have been looking at is a fine fish finder/GPS unit. However, why exactly are you so hell bent on a duel unit? I've had them, and though they do the job, since i've went to single units i'll never have another double. I use nothing but lowrance equipment, even back in the days of Loran C before GPS's came out. I have a 21' Aquasport and mostly ocean fish, and I do it successfully. Just check my photo album. All I use is a Lowrance X67C sonar (240.00 bucks) and a Lowrance Ifinder H20 (140.00). About half the price, and in my opinion, more effective because you have more visial area and you can focus on one piece of equipment with out altering the other. The X67C has all the feature the big boys have as well, color monitor, zoom feature, fish tracking etc...., with out the big price. [cool]

Messages In This Thread
sonar/gps combo questions - by Turkeyflacx2 - 01-28-2008, 10:33 PM
Re: [tomc] sonar/gps combo questions - by tomc - 01-29-2008, 12:07 PM
Re: [Turkeyflacx2] sonar/gps combo questions - by Tarpon4me - 01-29-2008, 02:23 PM

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