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Finishing Hackle... Help!
While tying some dry flies today that took two different hackles it came to me that I should mention that to some extend the amount of hackle that gets captured under the thread depends on the thickness and shape of the base of the feather and also on how thick the individual hackle fibers are. More so the feather base I think. One of the two feathers I was working with caused a lot more of fibers lay flat as you wrap thread over it. Thus it is something you have to live with unless you can afford to get different with better wrapping properties. But that is only aquired through experience.

I find that when I am trapping a lot of the hackle under the thread I appreciate a thread that lays down flat as opposed to staying round and bundled together. Having a thread that does not build up a lot helps because you can get more wraps over the hackle fibers and get them covered up. Those are two properties that I find in the Giffiths 14/0 that I really like. Working with two feathers you can end up with a bulky looking head if you are working with a thick thread and one that does not lay down flat when wrapped.

Messages In This Thread
Finishing Hackle... Help! - by hartz - 03-28-2008, 05:03 PM
Re: [hartz] Finishing Hackle... Help! - by Dryrod - 03-28-2008, 09:17 PM
Re: [Dryrod] Finishing Hackle... Help! - by hartz - 03-28-2008, 10:39 PM
Re: [hartz] Finishing Hackle... Help! - by Dryrod - 03-28-2008, 11:32 PM
Re: [hartz] Finishing Hackle... Help! - by Scruffy_Fly - 03-30-2008, 09:58 PM

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