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Gorge July
Due the overwhelming demand for Gorge fishing (O.K. 1 guy asked) tips I'll post most of what I know. This will be a trolling only post that deals with big fish. Big defined; Macks 15#+, Bows 5#+ Kokes 2#+. WARNING: If you are taking an MOAI inhbitor, a flyfisherman, Bass fisherman or are currently under the influence of alcohol don't read this because it may induce a coma. Brevity was never my strong point. If you think this is overdone and technical try fishing with me sometime. Rip Van fault. Maybe someday us Gorge guys and gals might get our own thread...HINT....HINT.
We'll mix a little fact with theory. Facts will be marked by (F), theory by (T). This post will deal with Kokes, Macks and Bows, in mid-summer. Remember we are only concerned with big fish, (see above). To fish correctly (in my not so humble opinion) requires a two pole permit by everyone aboard, spend the 10 bucks.

(F) All fish have patterns they follow, in a lake they are easier to figure out since they don't have miles of open ocean to wander around in. In cold climates like ours their survival depends on summer. Summer fish eat, its what they do. They store energy for the winter. So, now we figure out what they eat, match the hatch (sorta speak) and we'll all will have a blast.

Bows: (F) Most big Bows I get lay just under the thermocline. About 17 - 23 ft dpending on lots of things but, this is where I'd start. (F,T) They are takin on plugs or big spoons that simulate bait fish feeding on plankton. I switch lures early and often and go with what works. (T) I think Bows like to feed on other Trout so I go with big stick baits in Bow colors, silver/blue and brown/gold and tiger stripe flor. green (near dawn and dusk, you'll have to trust me on this one). The smallest stick bait I'd troll is 4". Krokodiles, Little Cleos, Kastmasters, Phoebes and Al's Gold Fish work well too if you up-size. Big baits catch big fish. (F) If you fish too small you will kill the planters all day and never have the line in long enough to get a shot at the big dudes. I don't use meat or attractant for Bows, only because I never needed it. I also use Dave Davis 3 blade copper blades (3"), 18" in front of most everything I'm dragging. HINT- save the downriggers, use an in-line sinker or my favorite, Dipsy Diver. I like to go fast, 2.8 - 3.2 knots, some of the bigger baits won't react like I want at these speeds so you'll have to figure it out for youself depending on what you are using.

Kokes: I no longer troll for them since I can't catch 1 every ten seconds (F) but if you must, use a #2 needle fish in clown pattern or a Koke King (think pink) 30" behind a silver 3 blade Gang Troll. Wedding ring w/worm off the pipeline works too. Go, 30 - 60 feet deep depending on where you see them. BEWARE: Trolling for Kokes is not my strong suit and I only do it in conjuction with other things.

Macks: (T) This could drag on forever, so let me say this, I don't troll for big Macks but, many of the successfull dudes do. I have and caught some nice ones (F) (+30#) but, they are few and far between. Did I say big baits get big fish? Think K-15s in frog, rainbow, or blue/silver colors, ACs or big Raps all work. A must is to first replace (T) the treble hooks with singles, then bait wrap them. (T) All the really big ones hang out down deep. (T) Most people troll the flat because it doesn't cost them big coin in gear. (T) Macks relate to first food then structure (where the food is) they won't come up and suspend like the Great Lakes Macks do. (T) There is plenty of food down deep (carp minnows). Antelope flat, lots of boats, very few fish. If I was going to troll I'd go north of big bend along the west side of the big rock walls or south of the pipeline along the west side. Don't mean to dampen your spirits but, read the fish finder, figure out where they are, and guess what they eating. 4 inch tuna clone behind a ford fender is the best bait I've ever used.

Where to go: Bows; Sheep Creek Bay at dusk or dawn. Macs; Firehole, edge of the main channel just west of the pipeline, Lurcene Bay (you'll lose gear to fish it right) or the rock cliffs just north and west of big bend. Kokes, Horseshoe Canyon but not on weekends. Hope this helps.

Messages In This Thread
Gorge July - by IceFishingGod - 05-03-2003, 04:55 AM
Re: [IceFishingGod] Gorge July - by Tincanfsh - 05-03-2003, 02:00 PM
Re: [IceFishingGod] Gorge July - by kentofnsl - 05-04-2003, 02:50 AM
Re: [IceFishingGod] Gorge July - by EricCO - 05-05-2003, 02:29 PM
Re: [EricCO] Gorge July - by Fish-N-Fool - 05-05-2003, 03:47 PM
Re: [IceFishingGod] Gorge July - by KokeKiller - 05-05-2003, 06:02 PM
Re: [IceFishingGod] Gorge July - by ruger - 05-05-2003, 06:31 PM
Re: [ruger] Gorge July - by EricCO - 05-05-2003, 08:12 PM
Re: [ruger] Gorge July - by IceFishingGod - 05-05-2003, 08:49 PM
Re: [IceFishingGod] Gorge July - by ReelMN - 05-05-2003, 07:46 PM

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