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trout fishing help?
That is an extremely difficult question to answer given the information available.
It is like asking what music is best at a, of course!
If you are fishing a lake, from the shore/dock I would bring rooster tails and sinking flies, like bead-head wooly buggers. The sinking flies are rigged with a clear bobber half filled with water four feet above the fly, just cast it out and retrieve at various speeds.
You can also fish with worms on a #8 bait holder hook with some split-shot 12 to 18 inches above the hook with a bobber or on the bottom. Some will tell you to use Power Bait or one of the other of the prepared dough baits, but I have no experience with them, ergo, no opinion.
If you are in a boat that means you can access a lot more water. Look for places where creeks come into the lake and if you can locate springs. Some folks like to troll, but trolling is not the kind of fishing I enjoy, but if you do try a Flatfish or that Wooly Bugger.
If you are heading out to a river it can vary so much that one would have to know just what kind of river you were fishing. Let us assume you are fishing a slow moving river that is only 30 or 40 feet wide. Look for riffles and cast at the top and drift through it if you are using bait and find pools or eddies if you are using lures.
There is a fantastic trout lure called the Trout Magnet that I have purchased at Wal Mart. If you want to see how they work and what you do to use them just do an internet search for them and read up on it.

Of course, this is the way I roll...others will advise you differently.

Fill in some of the blanks.
Where are you? State, county.
Boat or bank?
River, lake, creek, reservoir, pond, etc.?

Messages In This Thread
trout fishing help? - by neecolle - 08-07-2008, 05:41 AM
Re: [neecolle] trout fishing help? - by lskiles - 08-07-2008, 02:38 PM
Re: [lskiles] trout fishing help? - by neecolle - 08-07-2008, 06:15 PM
Re: [nicolle] trout fishing help? - by Dryrod - 08-08-2008, 12:25 AM
Re: [Dryrod] trout fishing help? - by kochanut - 09-08-2008, 08:16 AM
Re: [Dryrod] trout fishing help? - by ilyago - 11-06-2008, 10:55 AM
Re: [neecolle] trout fishing help? - by bassmasta - 08-07-2008, 04:56 PM
Re: [neecolle] trout fishing help? - by FrankN4 - 09-09-2008, 07:34 PM
Re: [neecolle] trout fishing help? - by BulBob - 09-13-2008, 04:39 PM

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