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Build your own trolling motor help?
That is funny you posted the Flote Power. I HAVE ONE!!!! Seriously! If I can find it in the garage I will be selling it for a good price. I used it allot on my SFC.
You do have to license you tube/toon with any motor.
A heads up on this Flote Power. It has to be in a fair amount of water because of the motor. You see you have to put the motor on first, then the battery. You can have the motor raised as high as you can but you are still going to need a little over a foot of water. I also, sewed velcro on both tubes where they meet. it made it that much more secure.

Sounds like a pain, but if you get a routine down, it isn't that bad. Plus a little sweat is good, specially when the outcome of the motor means less kicking.

They ROCK!!! when that unexpected storm moves in.

Oh one other thing. They might have changed but I doubt it, it is a car tire so different inflation.

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Re: [Fishtales23] Build your own trolling motor help? - by flygoddess - 05-10-2009, 01:57 AM

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