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Felt the need to fish
[quote cpierce]Sounds like fun even in the cold. Were you wading along the bank or using pontoons? What kind of flies do fish take at this time of year? Nymph and indicator fished slow?

I haven't ever fished this late into the winter before and am curious. Is all of the pond open there or has it got some ice on it too?[/quote]
Actually we were just fishing from the bank there isn't any trees or tall weeds you have to worry about so you can make 40ft plus casts easy. hares ears and black wooly buggers double renegades were the hot ticket. I even switched to a floating line and fished a few Chernobyl's. lol not many places you can take trout on a hopper in January [cool] what i found is sudden bursts of about a foot to two foot with a 2 to 4 second pause between triggered the most strikes. yes it was extremely cold took a good set of neoprene gloves but still had to stop to warm hands. But it was all worth it
No ice didnt take a water temp but it is free flowing and must move enough to keep it ice free and i would guess the spring that feeds it isnt too far away because water felt pretty warm.there are 3 ponds and a small creek that feeds it plus a small canal type of pond. I will take the camera next time so ya have a better idea of the place

Messages In This Thread
Felt the need to fish - by drowning_flys - 12-29-2009, 02:36 AM
Re: [cpierce] Felt the need to fish - by drowning_flys - 01-10-2010, 11:48 PM

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