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1/18 Ririe report
Headed to Ririe w/ the brother-in-law this morning. Got on the ice right about 8am. couldn't decide where to fish initially but noted just past the rockpile some people were catching so we set up about 20 -40 ft past them. Nothing. Nothing on the new marcum except for our jigs. We were in about 86 fow. After watching this same group continue to pull fish up during the next 20 minutes or so I wandered over to find out what they were doing different. Instead the guy says "come on over, there's more space for holes." After making sure he's ok w/ this we moved our gear and punched 3 holes. I drop my line down about 15 feet planning to go scoop out the 3rd hole. No time. Fish on! We worked it pretty good for 20 minutes or so getting very light bites but only landing 3 more fish, then POOF! They were gone! After a few minutes I drop the sonar in the hole and sure enough, nothing there. I punch another hole so each of us has 2 to work with.

Over the next hour or so I played w/ the Marcum LX-3 flasher trying to figure it out. It was getting a lot of stuff on the left side of the dial, but where my lures were was clear. After a while I realized maybe the fishing buddy nearby was doing it. Hit the IR button and the whole thing cleared right up! Played w/ the depth a bit more (still in about 90 fow). then a school came by again just above my gear. I told everyone to come up to 15 feet and we landed 3 more. They then came in about every 5-10 minutes, making fast passes. We ended up limiting at 1030. We almost lost one rod down a hole when a 14+ incher pulled the rod out of the holder but the reel lodged half way down the hole. We also landed one that measured at just barely over the 16 inch mark! Biggest one I've seen out of Ririe. Fish were still coming through periodically when we left.

I had hoped to meet up w/ Windriver, but never saw his command post, but suspected he headed for the line. If it was him he showed up passing us just after we punched our first holes. I'll have to try again to try and learn perch fishing I guess. Overall, a great day and a great test of the new flasher.

Messages In This Thread
1/18 Ririe report - by Belasko - 01-18-2010, 08:59 PM
Re: [Belasko] 1/18 Ririe report - by X2FSH - 01-19-2010, 02:42 AM
Re: [Belasko] 1/18 Ririe report - by prvrt - 01-19-2010, 02:57 AM
Re: [Belasko] 1/18 Ririe report - by windriver - 01-19-2010, 03:50 AM
Re: [Belasko] 1/18 Ririe report - by kentd71 - 01-19-2010, 05:41 AM
Re: [kentd71] 1/18 Ririe report - by windriver - 01-19-2010, 10:26 PM

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