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What is the wierdest thing you've ever caught?
While fishing Burraston's Ponds years ago during the winter, there were a bunch of big trout in the first pond you come to. We caught quite a few they must have been three or four pounders. I'm pretty sure they were planters because their fins were rubbed way down and their hooked jaws were all mangled. Anyways I went up the creek where there were a bunch of the same fish and I proceeded to put on the biggest hook I had to snag them, it happened to be a gold rooster tail. I proceeded to snag something and when I pulled back the lure came loose and lodged itself right in my cheek about an inch below my eye. I tried really hard to pull it out but that dang barb was hanging up. Needless to say I had to go to the Payson hospital where the doctor poked the hook all the way through, clipped the barb and then pulled back out. It didn't really hurt but my ego sure did[Smile] When we were in transit to Payson I would wave at people we passed with a big old spinner hanging from my cheek. The looks on their faces was priceless. It was pretty funny.

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Re: [fishguru73] What is the wierdest thing you've ever caught? - by HATH - 07-02-2010, 07:10 PM

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