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Tiger Trout at Strawberry
I won't say you're wrong, because I just flat don't know what the impact would be on businesses, out of state fishermen, etc. But if Strawberry can't put businesses around it right now, being the highest angler hours in the state, I don't think putting in a couple different species would all the sudden make it a boom town. One thing I will say is to not assume that just because Henry's is the way it is, that Strawberry would be the same. From what I gather, Henry's is one of the most fertile lakes there is. Stawberry, for what it is, is not even close to the same dynamics as Henry's.

I'm not against putting more species in Strawberry. I just think that throwing something in to see what happens is short sighted. There is a reason many of our lakes that should be able to achieve trophy potential in this state don't. And demanding that every lake be the same in Utah to offer a large variety of species is selfish, as not everyone desires that in their fishing. There has to be places where you can get both. And as of now, I bet over 95% of the stillwaters in Utah fit the mold of the variety. So why not use them instead of pushing to get one of the few that aren't that put into the same mold?

I think Jordanelle could turn into the type of fishery you are talking about. Let's push Jordanelle to be the mixed bag that attracts people from out of state. Start boosting some of the other waters that aren't already the highest angler hours in the state. Plus, there is communities around it that already attract out of state folk. Park City could be a fishing town, not just a ski bum and tree hugger town.

Messages In This Thread
Tiger Trout at Strawberry - by limitone - 10-25-2010, 02:38 PM
Re: [Jacksonman] Tiger Trout at Strawberry - by TS30 - 10-27-2010, 05:33 PM
Re: [riverdog] Tiger Trout at Strawberry - by FOD - 10-29-2010, 08:35 PM

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