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Keeping warm on the ice
vary important!

do not wear tight clothing.

ristricting blood circulation is the number one factor to maintaining your body heat. do not dress so worm that you are caused to swet. once you start sweating your colthes will begin to freze and ultamatly you. hence the loose clothing under your out door thurmals.

wear several layers. if you begain to get worm shed some layers. as you get cooler add layers. lifting or dropping your hood is usualy enough. the reason for this is that you loose 90% of your body heat through the nougin.

I wear both a think knitted stocking hat and my hood

I wear rain tree barand thermal winter outer garments, both over hauls and jacket. they are not water proof so if I get rained on, I get wet. just so long as I am dry I am good to -60 degrease below 0.

same with my feet. It dosnt matter what I wear, if they get wet then my feet will get cold, even if the wetness is brought on by sweat. vary vary important to keep your feet dry. some folks use bread bags between thier light socks and heavy socks prior to placing them in their boot liners.

Messages In This Thread
Keeping warm on the ice - by DrownedDesertRat - 10-20-2003, 03:08 AM
Re: [DrownedDesertRat] Keeping warm on the ice - by davetclown - 10-20-2003, 06:03 AM

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