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What fly rod weight for Strawberry, Scofield, etc.?
[quote Lobina_Mosca]The reasons I (and other people I know) use heavier weight rods have nothing to do with what you mention above. The main reason I use a 7 or 8 wt rod, on occasion, is based on the flies I'm throwing. If you want to test out my theory, let me get some flies into your hands and I'd love to see you cast them for 6 hours on a 5 or 6 wt without either impaling yourself in the back of the head or wearing out your arm 30 minutes into it. This isn't your typical "kick and twitch" fly trolling with boring leeches and buggers from a diaper donut.

Some people have just expanded stillwater fishing to include a lot of other methods and fly patterns...and hence different rods. Is a two-hander also "overkill". What about a 10 footer? Too long? The thing is that yes, an 8 wt is probably "overkill" if you only use it to toss buggers or that sort of limited scope. My point is that you're choosing to argue about something without even knowing the reasons behind it. You make a big assumption and build up an argument about it without even considering the situational use. That kind of hubris sorta gets tiring on boards like these. Yes, everyone is an expert and that's why I usually don't waste time responding to this sort of inane argument, but I'm having lunch and figured WTH.

Anyway, I'm sure you catch lots and lots of awesome fish with your 5 wt. That's totally great, no one's impugning your abilities. For the record, I used to use a fast 5 wt on those waters and it worked out ok for a while. Caught lots of fish.

Either way, enjoy it and peace out.[/quote]

So, you are continuously casting these monstrously heavily weighted flies? So you don't cast out the heavy flies and let them sink? If you are always casting what would the point be in such heavy flies?

The o.p never asked for a new idea in fishing or casting, just asked about a heavier rod, I think a 6 wt. is fine for most purposes on that res. now if he was asking for some new style of fishing with heavy flies and a a heavy rod then you may have a point, as it stands I really don't care [crazy]

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Re: [Lobina_Mosca] What fly rod weight for Strawberry, Scofield, etc.? - by remo_5_0 - 09-30-2014, 08:04 PM

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