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Spooling spinning real with mono sans twist - a dumb idea?
I've never had issues putting new mono onto my spinning reels. Then again, I've never stepped up past 6lb test since I've always been a trout fisherman.

Put some 10lb mono on a reel to go onto my medium rod because I wanted to start targeting catfish. Wow! Now I know why everyone complains about line twist with spinning reels.

Even cutting the line off the spool after getting enough onto the reel and letting it all out before reeling back in didn't fix the problem.

So I had a weird idea. What if I tied one end of the 100 ft or so of 10lb mono to a ball bearing swivel, clipped it onto something stationary, and walked the line out to its full length before tying it to my reel and reeling it in. Would that allow for the line to untwist as I reel?

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Spooling spinning real with mono sans twist - a dumb idea? - by BHuij - 11-19-2014, 01:50 AM

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