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HELP NEEDED...Utah Lake Pike
Here's a better one than Davis Lake. Let's look at the Colorado Pike Minnow, formerly know as the Squaw Fish. Name changed for a variety of reasons, some PC, others to confuse the following issue.

for those of you from the Pacific Northwest, what is the bane of all young Salmon moving up and down stream, to and from the ocean. No, children it is not the evil hydroelectric dams that man have built for the production of that evil thing, electricity or flood control, or water storage, nope, it is the Squaw Fish ( not sure what they call it up in the NW now). The Squaw Fish consumes little smolts like my grand kids consume Air Heads, as many a possible, as fast as possible. So they came up with a nifty plan to pay you a bounty on the ol Squaw fish. Been going on for over a decade, some guys make $300-$500 a day on the bounty.

Now move a bit east to the drainage of the mighty Colorado, where low and behold the Colorado Squaw Fish lives, now know as the Colorado Pike minnow. Don't believe anyone can tell the difference between the Squaw Fish in the NW and the Pike Minnow in the Colorado. Have never seen any genetic testing that says they are different in any way. So what do we do in the Colorado River drainage. We spend millions in trying to "recover" the endangered Colorado Pike minnow while spending millions to eradicate the Columbia river Squaw fish.

So, let's all try and help the June Sucker in any way we can so that we can still fish UL and not have it turned into a Junie only water !!!!

PS: We can also remove all those evil dams on the Columbia and other rivers in the North West because their removal will not impact the economy of the region at all. Quote from the Ast. Director of USFWS, to me face to face 20 years ago. Quite a stunning statement. I am sure all the industry and agriculture concerns up there would agree !!

Messages In This Thread
HELP NEEDED...Utah Lake Pike - by TubeDude - 02-19-2015, 10:16 PM
Re: [TubeDude] HELP NEEDED...Utah Lake Pike - by Therapist - 02-24-2015, 02:37 AM

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