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Windy, How about some Ice Fishing mext month?
me three, wouldn't that be nice, lounge around on a cruse ship for a week up there, then hop off at one of the small towns for a week and hook in to one of them big Alaskan salmon. then hop on a slow boat back....

yep one can dream,....

you realy have to watch the lakes this year with the temps holding above 32 for most of the season. it will make ice, but nothing you want to walk on. It looks like if the temps holds I will be getting on my lake for the first time since last march. st patties day as a matter of fact. that was the last day I ice fished last year.

the smaller lakes around the area have shaped up, but I have no intrest in fishing on them. the news reports on the tube says tha most of the lakes in the area are not safe eather.

ya know I have not fished for 2 1/2 months now. good thing I put away some gills this summer. about 30 pounds of filletts. I go through about 10 pounds per month. dont look like I will have any spare gills to give away this spring. mi jigging hand is getting a bit shaky,

I have held off geting my ice rods ready, I will be putin the new line on wensday night.

I got the realestate man working on my house now. he has been getting calls already. Tennesse here I come.. . woo hoo... no more ice fishing, but I get to chace chinckens all winter, I can live with that.

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Re: [ssor] Windy, How about some Ice Fishing mext month? - by davetclown - 01-12-2004, 11:20 AM

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