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Starvation Reservoir Brown Trout
I am I reading you correctly? To you it doesn't matter if a species goes extinct as long as you have fish to catch? Nothing could be done for the dinosaurs obviously, but I looked up the Passenger Pigeon and it is pretty sanctamonious of anyone to say that man had a right to do that to any species, in the past present or future. Here is what happened to them according to the Audubon Society:
The professionals and amateurs together outflocked their quarry with brute force. They shot the pigeons and trapped them with nets, torched their roosts, and asphyxiated them with burning sulfur. They attacked the birds with rakes, pitchforks, and potatoes. They poisoned them with whiskey-soaked corn. Learning of some of these methods, Potawatomi leader Pokagon despaired. “These outlaws to all moral sense would touch a lighted match to the bark of the tree at the base, when with a flash—more like an explosion—the blast would reach every limb of the tree,” he wrote of an 1880 massacre, describing how the scorched adults would flee and the squabs would “burst open upon hitting the ground.” Witnessing this, Pokagon wondered what type of divine punishment might be “awaiting our white neighbors who have so wantonly butchered and driven from our forests these wild pigeons, the most beautiful flowers of the animal creation of North America.”
Nice, hey? I believe we are stewards of this planet and have a God given duty to protect what we can. Should they have just let the Buffalo go also? To come up with any management plan that doesn't take endangered species into consideration is wrong, ignorant and way too self serving. Please take that into consideration before coming down on endangered species and plans to help save any species.

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Re: [Dog-lover] Starvation Reservoir Brown Trout - by fishday - 05-08-2015, 09:09 PM

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