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Stock more Brown Trout !
why do we need Browns in Flaming Gorge, Strawberry, and Fishlake? What is wrong with the browns we have in the other waters. I would think that it would be extremely expensive for the DWR to manage every lake for every anglers desires. I think they do a exceptional job giving that they are shackled in so many ways by all the special interest groups that want a piece of the pie.

The decisions they make are based on lots of biological data as well as case studies in other areas. Then they have to get permission from every Tom, Dick, and Harry to move forward. I would bet that if they could put your browns in those lakes and in 5 years we were all catching trophies they would. IF there were no negative impacts (and negative is a matter of perspective depending on which interest group) on the other species including the native non-games species.

Once The fish are in those waters its to late to change your mind. They reproduce well in this environment. There diet alone has the potential to feast on a huge percentage other fish stocked. And if everybody is regularly catching browns the size and quantity you are talking about, the "10 - 12 inch stockers" are going to become dinner as well.

My preference would be that you go after them in the waters they are already in. Those that want to catch lake trout go to those waters. Those that want bass....

Sometimes we forget that that it's not about me or you or Johny it is about us. And we often do not realize how many "us" there are and each one them may or may not have an opinion and many of those have a very strong opinion.

I respect your opinion FlashyFish as I am sure you respect mine. Thank you for posting because it made for some good discussion.

Messages In This Thread
Stock more Brown Trout ! - by FlashyFish - 03-01-2016, 02:30 AM
Re: [PBH] Stock more Brown Trout ! - by Bmarsh - 03-01-2016, 10:06 PM
Re: [PBH] Stock more Brown Trout ! - by Fishrmn - 03-02-2016, 03:39 PM
Re: [FlashyFish] Stock more Brown Trout ! - by Stickleback - 03-02-2016, 08:38 AM

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