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Extreme high line recovery reel.
[#0000FF]Hope it works well for you. As I suggested in our PM exchange, I suspect it will work best for fishing your lures at long range for small to midsize fish. With the high speed retrieve it will have less cranking torque for winding in larger fish. But that is a good problem to have...and only a problem made available if you are able to cast far enough to reach them...and to work the lure right when they want a fast retrieve.

I know whatcha mean about getting funny looks from fishing with strange stuff on the community ponds. I have long used Willow Park Pond, which is near my home, to field (water) test new lure designs. On one trip I was checking the best speed and action for fishing some new chatter baits. These were larger sized lures I put together for bass, walleyes and pike. But there were some recently planted albino trout in there that went berserk over those noisy lures. They kept zinging in and whacking them as I reeled them close to shore. Trouble was they were either dumb or just inexperienced. They didn't know enough to chomp on the hook part. Never did catch one but it was fun to watch them try to get a new lip ornament.

Oh yeah, I drew a small crowd of onlookers who enjoyed the show too. Until a couple of non English speaking teen-agers began crowding in front of me and were trying to snag the fish following my lures. I told them to get away and quit but they didn't stop. So I put a foot on one's backside and pushed him into the water for a more direct approach. He was not happy. Nor was his father who showed up a few minutes later. But once Dad noted that I was about twice his size he mellowed out and left with the two younger lads. Discretion is the better part of cowardice.

Messages In This Thread
Extreme high line recovery reel. - by RonPaulFan - 10-03-2016, 05:49 AM
Re: [RonPaulFan] Extreme high line recovery reel. - by TubeDude - 10-09-2016, 02:26 PM

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