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Bear Lake 1/20/03
[Smile]45 cisco and one small cutt was all we could find Monday at bear Lake. Oh yea, I almost forgot! 55 minutes of "Where the $#%@# are we?" I cannot believe the fog bank on the south end of the lake. When we launched at 6:30 it was pretty clear at the marina and things were looking pretty good. That changed in a huury. May I suggest a compass or GPS for anyone who travels to the rockpile in the fog. Got the chance to meet Wiperhunter and got an invatation to hit Willard this summer. Stayed on the water until 4:30 snagging cisco and headed for home. Not a bad day after all. Sure beats going to work on a Monday!!!! Whats up with all the boats running their bilge pumps the whole time they are fishing? Are these guys that desperate for cisco or just plain stupid?[crazy][crazy] Three boats on the rockpile doing this was enough to catch my eye.

Messages In This Thread
Bear Lake 1/20/03 - by crestliner - 01-21-2003, 01:19 PM
Re: [crestliner] Bear Lake 1/20/03 - by kentofnsl - 01-21-2003, 07:02 PM
Re: [kentofnsl] Bear Lake 1/20/03 - by crestliner - 01-21-2003, 08:29 PM

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