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Kankakee River Backwaters - Horseshoe Bend
Went out to Horseshoe Bend with my friend crappiehunter (Mike) this morning after 4 days of constant rain...surprisingly, not a bad day to be out.

This is where we started and where Mike caught his first bass
[Image: HS1A.jpg]

...and here it is! His first buzz bait bass - WTG Mike.
[Image: HS7M.jpg]

Mike continued to catch some small bass on a chartreuse/white tiki worm T-rigged weightless, and I had a few decent hits but only managed one bass today, while Mike got 5 - all the bass today were small (under 16").

We had to get creative to get where we really wanted to fish...
[Image: HS4M.jpg]

The reward for being persistent and continuing to work the shoreline and trees was this little bass
[Image: HS5M.jpg]

It was obvious that the bigger fish weren't going to cooperate today, so I changed tactics and started fishing with a 1/32 oz. green/chartreuse tube bait with a Berkley nymph slid onto the hook and up inside the tube partially creating a green/chartreuse/orange/brown combination bait.

Here's the reward for changing tactics
[Image: HS3T.jpg]

I ended up catching 16 crappies and 3 bonus gills over 10"

Mike gets in on the crappie action too
[Image: HS2M.jpg]

Nature Notes: we saw several great blue herons, a night heron, more than a dozen kingfishers, red-headed woodpeckers, yellow-shafted flickers, goldfinches, and mud turtles here's my Nature Notes photo, a Question Mark Butterfly (that's the actual name of it).
[Image: HS6Q.jpg]

...all in all, another great time had by me down by the Kankakee!

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Kankakee River Backwaters - Horseshoe Bend - by fish_a_holic - 09-15-2006, 04:01 AM

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