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Wire or Mono?
Like any angler, I like the idea of increasing my chances of landing fish. So, I use the most stealthy and natural approach that I know how. For many years, I used 7 strand wire for my spoons for mackerel, but last season I tried using mono leaders, and they worked fine. I was concerned that the toothy critters would cut me off, but I never lost a lure and the hook up rate was much higher.

What i'm looking at now is how far can I go with Mono? I'm in the process of rigging up my Yo Zuri Bonitos and Braid Flash Dancers. The problem is, I'm not too sure if I can rig them strait with mono, or if I need to tip them with a short piece of 7 strand. I know on a spoon, the only hook is to the rear, and when a fish is on, the business end is far enough away to keep the line from being bitten in half. My concern is that if they hook up on the center hook of a swimming plug, their teeth will be at the line and there goes a 20+ dollar lure.

With this logic in mind, I rigged each lure with a front shot of 7 strand, about 8 inches long or so. From there, I attached a micro spro swivel and tied on some Ande #50 mono and ended it with another spro swivel. I just wonder if I should have just run the entire leader with wire and called it a day. The connection from wire to mono is evident, but would it spook a fish more than if wire was just run the distance? What are you guys thoughts?

I know running two swivels on a swimming plug really frees the lures action up, which is a plus. And I also know that eliminating the bulk run of wire also aids in the lures action. The part that sucked was tying a good knot with that 50 pound line on that tiney little spro swivel. LOL, not too easy.

Messages In This Thread
Wire or Mono? - by Tarpon4me - 03-26-2008, 03:05 PM

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