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basic knot care
Thanks for the info! I'm always careful about wetting the knot but sometimes the line tastes kinda gross. [:/]

A lot of times, instead of using saliva or water from a bottle, I'll just drop the hook and line in the water, pull it back up, and then tighted it.

I'm still working on the knot tying though! It's gonna take me probably a couple years before I get the basic fishing knots done properly. I've actually bent and broken hooks before. Heh, guess them knots held better than the hook!

Carp are a great test for your knot strength.
But I actually broke a hook after a nice battle with a smallmouth bass. Got him in and while taking the hook out, the shank broke!

Messages In This Thread
basic knot care - by lonehunter - 08-25-2003, 12:57 AM
Re: [Flagmanonice] basic knot care - by DrownedDesertRat - 09-07-2003, 02:50 AM

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