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north side fishers island 7/29,niantic 7/30
on sat we headed to the ferry enterance of fishers island .we were out of the boat traffic but not the wind.the bite wasn't as good as the last time we were there,but brought home 5 fluke in the 19-20 inch range.

sun i woke cindy up a 3 am and headed down to niantic between the bridges for some hickory shad.the first hour was slow,then all of a sudden they were breaking the surface.cindy out fished me by catching 5,but i had to unhook them.and just as fast as they came they were gone.then we went to the other side of the rr bridge.there we ran into a large school of snappers.the were in the 3-6 inch range.played with them for a couple of hours
[url ""][Image: 36_1_55.gif][/url] I'll be taking Pop out sat. for fluke in Saybrook. Might throw a trap out as well for crabs. If I can last the week in this heat!! This is New England???

[url ""][Image: sig.jsp?pc=ZSzeb068&pp=ZNxdm801BNUS][/url]
the weatherman here in the mittin said 95, my thermometer in the shade said 99.999 degrees. and tomarow is suspost to be hotter....[cool]

hopin for some cloud cover, I need to get the roof done, was suspost to have it done already today, when it wasnt raining it has been to hot....
This is no weather for roofing DaveT. I see that hot front is moving to us today and our hot one is wed. I've got a skylight job to do and already told the boss we'er off by 11am. Now he says we can wait a few days.[crazy]
just came off the roof,

temps are a risen,

tomarow is suspost to be another cooker, not as bad as today, just look at the merk...

have to wait till the sun starts to set to get back on roof... I was starting to leave foot tracks in the tarmack
i have been on our road crew for a couple of days,working for the state raising catchbasin tops for road the road temp was 148 in the shade.we didnt want to know what it was in the sun
I can't even amagine that. I was soaking all my clothes just measureing windows for Yale for 1/2 an hour. Be carefull Bro.
got up at darkthirty this morning and finished shingling the roof and got my ridge vent in.... got every thing off the roof about 930 when the sun hit the roof and temps jumped like some one hit it with a torch...

I have the soffits and trim work to do and a lot of plastic cement removal, guess I was a little over generous with the black goop and it squished over on top of the white drip edge.... I put the goop on yesterday and it was already cooked in place today, usualy it takes a few weeks for it to settle in...

hopefuly by the end of next week I will be able to get back on the water.... that is untill another job pops up... they have been doing that to me this year, "ya know me dont do today what you can put off till next year so ya can go fishing today" [angelic]
It'll still be there weather you go fishing or not. So go get some fish, now that the rain won't come in. Slow and steady wins the race, between fishing trips of course.[Wink]
I would love to do that, only one problem, my permit has expired and I am on my second extention as of today,

I was working on it today and sat down in my lawn chair to take a break about 1 pm in the shade and the next thing I knew it was 530...

at least I did get the front side over hang done. tomarow I will work on the east side overhang. still have to fix my lawn mower and cut my grass. I lent out my mower and it came back with the blade all bent out of shape.

we had a few clouds this morning. so fishing would have been good then, but about noon a high presure system moved in and the clouds moved out and it got just plain hot in the sun, down right burned when standing in it...... hard to beleive we are in the same planitary tilt we were in as we were in the end of april... at least we are getting cool nights now. makes the corn grow...

three more weeks and the cold will start setting in.

my pumpkins are already turning orange. I will pick sweet corn this week. I picked green beans yesterday and have more to pick, I have been picking summer and zukeiny squash for a month now and I picked tomatos today. think I will have a mater sandwich tomarow for lunch [Tongue]
My garden has been sick this year. A few tomatos so far. Very few squash and the plants are yellowing already. Beans lasted a week and a half. My only hope is the brussel sprouts. Fingers are crossed.
that is why I like pole beans, if the water gets knee high they are still out of the water, and they are some what drout resistant. I havent bought pole bean seeds in years, I let a few pods every year go to seed...

I havent wattered my garden for a month now, so only a couple days of rain this past month... I have a rain barrol I will raid tomarow, I havent emptied it all year so it should be a skeeter fest by now...

what helped my garden is all the fish guts I put in the garden. it helps to hold water and feed the plans... an old indian trick. my sweet corn is 10 feet tall now... still needs water... hopefuly tomarow I will get around to it. I have a 5 foot section of over hang to do and then I will be done with the roof other than cleaning up the mess....
well, only 5 feet of over hang to do and it is all clean up after that... then find a job to pay for the new roof....
Well at least you have cooler weather now. Figures your almost done. [crazy]
well I got-er-done.... just in time for lunch, I celibrated with a bag of white castles... the wolf loved them too,,, but I had to pick off the pickles for her...

the inspector came out to give it a look over and it passed.... I was sweatin it, it aint the prettiest job in the world, I have done better, long before I was laid up....

hope I never have to work on another bungalo, man-a-war how did those guys keep their sanity when doing those houses? the center of the roof is 4 inches lower than the two ends, and the side walls do the same thing. I was gettin so frustrated because there wasnt two boards the same size my dog was pulling out her hair....

any way that part is over for the next 25-30 years. now I have a mess to clean up and start scraping painting... that is till I find the fishbacks to do vinal siding...

I sure like the vinal, sure is nice to work with...

and yep, my house is the last standing fishing cabin on my street. and one of a half dozen in my hood, and one of twenty on my lake of 1500 houses....
Glad to see you got that roof done. Sounds like the boys forgot to put in some coller ties, thats why the roof sagged and pushed out the walls. Kinda late now to do it. My neighberhood is mostly old summer cottages from the early times. Vynal sideing is easy to work with, but I like the shingles on my place. More cottage looking. I bought a sprayer and use it now to stain the house. Takes two hours a side compared to all day. The way the wife changes her mind on color I needed it. [Sad] Had to put my foot done this year, stained the house 3 times in 5 years. The wood must be petrified by now.
the roof dosnt sag, it is actualy built that way,

the walls didnt push out, they too were built that way,

I took pictues from the underside when I pulled off the old vents. I put the camera down the hole and took pictures of all directions.... not a bend or a sag anywhere... truthfuly I was surprized... more so was the township when they looked at it...

each rafter is progressivly shorter going to the center... the roof boards on top reflect the fact... the attachment below shows how the roof peek was assembled prior to my covering it over... what you are looking at is 1x8 cut to acheive the concave affect on the peek...

the cabin was built in 1938

I like the sprayer idea, unfortunatly that means I would have to tape the whole soffit and trim area... Cant use a roller because the boards are all tung and grove and recessed. guess that means its the old six inch brush.... "the whole way.... unless I hit the lotto [laugh] then the next thing I will be working on my house it mounting the rod mounts to the deck of my houseboat...
Never seen anything like it. But your right they built it that way. [crazy]

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