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[Wink][Wink] TEAM ESCAPE had Johnny and Charlie aboard the Blazer Bay today for a trout blast. Got a late start as the guys did a little too much partying last night and the fireworks were still ringing in their ears but the cobwebs didn't last too long as the first trout hit the box on the third cast and everyone was pumped. The technique today was to drift throwing Opening Night Assassins under a cork or titelined using a slow steady retrieve.The fishing was steady all morning picking up a few on each drift. The wind and tide were going the same way which made it easy to cast and retrieve back against the tide and wait for the strike. We kept drifting until we had our 75 trout limits and the guys were ready to head for the barn and a nice New Years fiest with their families. I had a great time fishing with Johnny and Charlie and I know that they enjoyed it to. ANOTHER GREAT DAY ON THE WATER.
985 847 0672 H
504 512 2602 CEL
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Way to go Capthook43. That is an awesome ways to start off the year. Good fishing with a nice downhill. Keep up the good reports and Happy New Year to ya.[cool]
Man, you sure are laying it to 'em. I was just wondering something............

When are you going to switch places with me for a week so I can come down there fishing and you can come up here and take over my job for a while? LOL [Tongue]
[Wink] I don't know about that, you may never want to go back after coming here to fish. I wonder if a CoonAss from La. could learn how to fish in your neck of the woods, hmmm, it's a thought !!!!!!
[cool][cool][cool] Thanks, we busted them again today, HAPPY NEW YEAR !!!!
Way to go skipper. I guess you turned Happy New Year into Happy Slay Year. Give em hell and get em while you can.[cool]

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