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Willard 24/7
[blush]Still kind of new at posting pictures. My Daughter joined wife and me this morning for some fishing. It was slow but we did manage a walleye, 2 wipers and 2 cats. Ended the morning with a swim.
I have to apolagize to the BFT member with the Thunder Jet. I didnt get his name. At least two of us wont be breaking props out there.
Went back out with wiperhunter2 later on in the evening and found it real slow. We graphed a lot of bait fish so I don't think the wipers are starving. Caught a nice wiper and a walleye hitched a ride too. As usual the wind gave us a bad time in the end and make leaving in the dark and adventure. I can hardly wait for a full moon to be out there.
Nice report. Any boils?
It was tough to tell with the chop. A lot of fish rolling on top here and there. Need to get some smaller lures for them I think.
As always, it was good to get out there with you Dan, too bad the catching wasn't better but thats fishing at times. I was very surprised we did not see any boils just a few fish splashing here and there, at least we know there are plenty of bait fish this year.
[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 2][#002850]After [url ";sb=post_latest_reply;so=ASC;forum_view=forum_view_collapsed;"]the fantastic night we had Friday night with the boils[/url], I told my neighbor the next day (Saturday). So, Saturday evening, he went out to get in on the action. After spending 3 hours (7-10) he came back empty handed. He said that if he hadn't caught one 7" catfish, he would have been skunked. He reported no boils and very few fish at the cleaning station. I felt kind of bad for getting his hopes up.[/#002850][/font][/size]
I think all fish go through feeding cycles and they were on, when all you guys fished it on thursday and friday, Saturday and Sunday was a different matter for most people. (I'm in the process of replying to your PM.)
Hopefully the fish will be back on tonight when I am there. [cool]
If you made it out there last night, how did you do?
Nice report. I get depressed when I read reports of a dozen fish or more out of that pond!
I consider myself a pretty good Willard Bay fisherman, and if I catch 3 fish per person per outing, I'm having a REALLY good day!

I used to N.ot have E.nough T.ime O.ff to go fishing.  Then I retired.  Now I have less time than I had before. Sheesh.
Before the w blew me and FC off last night we had caught 2 cats and 3 eyes. No fishable boils before the W.[mad]
We stayed a while past the W last night and managed 1 more wiper. It was a rough ride back though.... By the time we got back to the south marina, all 3 of us were soaked head to toe. Been a while since I've got to navigate any good waves though. I consider that kind of stuff good practice for the day you really need to do it!

Pretty slow day in all 3 wipers and 1 walleye.

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