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BFT perch fry???
What about a BFT perch fry at Yuba there is great ice no slush and lots of perch....

And a big perch prize anyone up for this I will help...
Sounds like a great plan...[cool]

Sounds like a great plan! Is the 21st too soon (Human Rights Day)?
I'm in. The 21st would be a good day.
I know they have had a perch fry in the past does anyone know who did that one???

Or if they are planing one this year I think Yuba would be a great place...
I believe it was Pikeman that organized at the one at the Nelle last year.
I agree, sounds like a good idea. Maybe your fan club will show up [Tongue]. Sorry, couldn't resist. First off, let's establish on how the big fish is decided, weight or length?
I like the idea of the 21st. Just post it if it is definate. I think it would be fun.
Wouldn't the 21st be a Monday? May be a holiday for some but I think the majority have to work.
I know Polokid had a hand in one of the Perch Partys held at Rockport some years ago.
The 21st (Martin Luther King Day) is a Monday. This is not a widely celebrated holiday in Utah - not many businesses close for this holiday. A Saturday might be a better choice in this instance - say the 19th or the 26th?
Bob Hicks, from Utah
I'm 82 years young and going as hard as I can for as long as I can.
"Free men do not ask permission to bear arms."
I agree on choosing a Saturday instead of the holiday. With the regulations as they are is Yuba the best choice? I have never attended but FlyandDrive were talking about going this year. My vote goes for Jordanelle as it is more centrally located and has better regulations.

Good point about Jordanelle but I dought we could catch enough perch for a fish fry from what ive been hearing. I think Echo and Yuba seem to be the hottest places for perch near by.

I'm good with any of the dates suggested not that anyone cares[Tongue].

I like weight but what everyone wants is ok with me...
I think Yuba is the best place in the state this year for perch and this is why....

1 It has more and bigger perch on aveage...

2 better chance of more fisherman catching more fish per fisherman then any other lake...

3 Easier walking for all who come, (very little snow and NO sluch)...

4 easy on and off the ice, lots of parking and the ice is 10" to 12" thick at painted rocks....

The date???? I like a Saturday and we need time to get things set up how does every one feel about Jan.26 or for more time to plan Feb.2 .....

And any one who has done this be fore please HELP and any one else who can or wants too please help....

And for this to be a BFT outing can we get one or more moderators to tell us what we/or they need to do....
Pikeman did the one at jordanelle last year and it was a good one even though not many perch were caught. I think Pat and Glen brought some extra fish becaus everyone ate a lot!! Glens family cooked the fish and fries and they were yummy!! Personally there should not be a problem catching fish. These things will be needed for the fish fry.
1) perch
2) people filleting perch
3) cooks using their recipes or just the usual salt and pepper
4) people eating !!!!

People donating these items:
plates,forks,napkins, garbage bags

And most of all a head count of who can come and bring what i think this should be started as soon as the date is set. I know i have forgotten some things but i know someone will stated.
If at all helpful I have a small generator that could power fillet knives, grills, etc.
Jan 26 sounds good to me .
Feb. sounds good to me.
I can bring a large propane stove and cast iron skillet, the stove is for a turkey deep fryer so I can bring the pot instead of the skillet if someone has a basket big enough for it.[cool]


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