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The Booby fly
[center][font "Pristina"][green][size 4][cool]I just happen to like Daiichi hooks. Here is a reference chart. Hope that it is legiable enough to read.[/size][/green][/font][/center] [center]
[Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=34910;][/center]
so we would use the hook gap for the diameter of the foam cylinder and the length of the piece of foam used for the eyes.. that makes it very easy.. so easy I might be able to do that.. LOL>.

... hard to read that chart.. do you have a link to it??

MacFly [cool]
Try the Control button on your keyboard.

Hold the control down while you scroll your mouse. It blows it up to about a size 2 letter.

Then take out your magnifying glass and 20x eye loop. It shows up just fine.[Tongue]
bro...Im thinking you are looking thru the bottom of your beer bottles.. hehehe

[font "Pristina"][green][size 4][cool]My bad. FGD was talking about foam eyes and I'm thinking dumbbells. Yea I guess that makes me a - ah no I'm not going there.[/size][/green][/font]
your mistake makes sense to me.. lets wait and see what sis has to say tomorrow... [Smile]

MacFly [Image: fish-on.gif]
Foam The DIAMETER of the gap, but length will vary. 1" seems to be the normal. I tie it on the hook with one side sticking out as far as it needs to be, then once tied on I cut the other side to match. Easier to hold on to and work with, plus no waist.
Like I said, a short shank hook, but a larger gap would be a plus. I guess that is why I use SCUD hooks a lot.
so roughly a 3/16" gap by a 1" lenght of tube for the "eyes".. did you know you can buy these eyes precut and shaped (like dumbell eyes)??

... now you said scud hook this time.. yesterday I beleive a 1x or 2x size 10 or 12 nymph hook was said.. which is best?

The nymph is the more traditional way. I just do like the TAD-POLES or the Gartside Gurgler on scuds, cause they are short with a BIG gap.
#71 let me get this right..

a scud.. is a type of missle with a wide gap (in its memory)??

a tad-pole is a small pole that grows into a Kermit ?

a gartside gurglers.. are babies from gartside who gurgle a lot?

MacFly [Tongue]
YOU'RE KILLING ME![laugh][laugh][laugh]
And I can't even go to the pond with the wind!
[Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=34923;][/center]
I am so glad I was able to make you and DR laugh.. makes my day.. but..

am I right or not.. ??? you never said.. .[unsure]

MacFly [cool]

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