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Varieties of hooks
[#008000]The previous poll requested brand preference - which should have allowed for multiple answers, whereas this one is looking for the variety of hooks [or packets] that you have available at your bench.[/#008000]
I assume you mean the type/configuration etc. of the hook, rather than the same hook in different sizes?

And that lengths are counted differently? That is, the same hook in 2x long would be a separate variety?
[#008000][Image: happy.gif]Actually not. Guess that I didn't communicate my thoughts properly. How about counting all configurations of hooks that one has available. Like counting all Daiichi 1100 hooks be it size or length difference. I thought it might give a clue to new tiers as to what other tiers have in their inventory.[/#008000]
Are you kidding? I have trouble counting past ten with my shoes on. How'm gonna count all those hooks.

Seriously, it would take me an hour to go through them all. One entire draw in my tying table holds nothing but hooks. Plus I have a working supply on top of the table. And those that live all the time in my portable kit.

In my experience, newish tyers choose hooks one of two ways. The first is by generic type, i.e., "dry fly hooks," "nymph hooks," etc. Given the diversity of hook designs, nowadays, this may not be the best approach. But it's still used by many.

The second is by the brand/design specified in a pattern. Newbies are less prone to substitute then are veteran tiers, and if a pattern calls, say, for a 1/0 Mustad 34007, newbies will order that size and hook model.

I think that by the time somebody develops specific hook preferences they're long past the newby stage. And probably no longer need other tyers' recommendations.

[center][font "Garamond"][#008000][size 4]Just out of curiosity Brook do you or did you need all those different hooks? [/size][/#008000][/font]
[center][font "Garamond"][#008000][size 4]At $4 to $5 a pack I do a lot of substitution. [/size][/#008000][/font]
[center][font "Garamond"][#008000][size 4]BTW were you tying as a business?[/size][/#008000][/font]
Do I need them all? Nah. But at one time I did---or thought I did, which amounts to the same thing. Some of them I haven't touched in years; but I never throw away anything like that.

In fact, when I'm teaching youngsters I often use some of those older hooks (not to mention other materials) as gifts.

I'm strictly an amateur tyer. But I've been at this a very long time, and inventory expands.
I kept buying the same size hooks over and over again and then finding that I never got "gaps" in my inventory of hooks filled.

Getting frustrated at not having the size I wanted I once created a spread sheet with the various sizes and quantity but not the various brands. Once in a great while I update that list with swags of how many hooks I have in the various packages I have so that I can remind myself of the holes in my inventory.

With the economy and the changes in my cash flow levels my holes are growing and the more I use those less desirable hooks in my inventory.
[font "Garamond"][#008000][size 4][Image: happy.gif]Likewise I created a spreadsheet of not only hooks but threads, beads, material etc,etc. When I run out of an item I hightlite in red as a reminder to be purchased on my next fly shop visit.[/size][/#008000][/font]
ya'll are way to organized for me.. lol.. Ive seen how Scruffy has material sorted so a spreadsheet on materials is not surprising.. and Id have to admit beneficial as long as it is kept up with..

I would like to think I am that organized but the truth be known ......
Like you DryRod, I substitute hooks.
I like STREAMER hooks. Hooks that are longer. I will use them on all my NYMPHS, so I do have them in #2 to #18. Much easier in my eyes.
Tiemco 200R is another go to hook for me. Give a little kink just behind the eye and it is an awesome DRY Klinkhammer hook. But in a #6 with some weight...and awesome stonefly hook.
So it all comes down to any company streamer or long shank, Scuds Mustad 49, Micro midges Tiemco 2488, and Dries Tiemco 100, then the Tiemco 200R for Klinks, Stones, Softhackles.....
Few DIFFERENT style hooks but every size in that model.
When your memory is stored on large tape drives it is good to be organized.

That is what my memory recall reminds me of. It is there but access speed can be embarrassingly slow.
uhmmmm I think there are a few of us here on the forum that understand exactly what you mean... [laugh].....

as the Navy techs used to tell me.. clean the read heads and see if that dont solve the problem..LOL>....

Macfly writes: as the Navy techs used to tell me.. clean the read heads and see if that dont solve the problem..LOL>....
I have tried the Q tips in the ear things numerous times but it never seems reach the critical area. I would hate to damage that brain cell of mine.
LOL ... again.. we all been there and done that one... [laugh]

MacFly [cool]
[center][#008000][Image: dumb.gif]Duh what were we talking about?[/#008000]
[center][inline Forgetful.jpg]
how we all got hooked on fly fishing??

MacFly [cool]
What do you mean easier on the eyes? That little size 32 you tried to give me in the wind landed about 15 feet out in the lake.[Wink] Cool fly just wish I could have looked at it longer.[crazy]
[#008000]#32? I mean even the fish have to have big eyes to see those flies.[/#008000]
[inline bef.jpg]
is this the fish that the booby fly was modeled from ?? [sly]

MacFly [cool]
[center][font "Garamond"][#008000][size 4][Image: happy.gif]Eye really don't know. [Image: bobwink.gif] lol[/size][/#008000][/font]

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