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Boaters for the DAV outing
It's official. Launch fees for the outing have been waived! I talked with Glen Haven with the USFS today & confirmed it. It would be great if all of us providing boats could maybe verify our affiliation with the event by displaying a BFT logo on our rigs. Glen says some sort of ID would help them out in case any low life freeloader tries to get a freebie park entrance.

Thank you all & have a great time.

Tom aka GEEZER
Thanks for your hard work in putting this event on Tom looking forward to meeting you.
So how do I get at least semi involved? Dont really consider myself a vet not seeing much action in my 6 years of service but would love to help out any way I can. Im still serving so when is this whole thing going to take place? just to make sure it does not mix on a drill weekend. I am willing to help in any way I can.
It all starts on Saturday the morning of the 6th. I am helping launching boats and parking trucks. I need at least on more body doing that. You're welcome on my team (we probably have the easiest duty of the whole event.

By the way, don't short change yourself for not seeing action in "your six years." Just because it didn't go bad then you were still standing guard and I for one thank you for that.
i have maybe 10 stickers in my truck, i can throw one on my dash. i have to mail one to someone this week so that leaves possibly 8 if people need one
If it where me leading this I would send all the boaters involved a password we all could print out and post in are windshield. Do not post it in the main forum send it to use and we will be the only ones that know it. Then let the USFW know what word we will be displaying and then there is know way anyone would get in for free.

If you raised your right hand, took the oath to defend the US and wear a military uniform you're a Vet. Thanks for your service.[Smile]
thats a greta idea, but what about the folks that are comming up to help clean, cook, etc. i have a truck of guys from here at work that are comming up just to help clean, cook, what ever else they can do to help
Many of the volunteers do not have BFT stickers, myself included. Just throw a piece of paper with DAV event written on it in your windshield, we don't have to get all sophisticated. Can't imangine a big hoard of people rushing up there just for the opportunity to maybe get in for free. We'e looking at 50 or more rigs driving in there and we have permission from the USFS, there will be people around the area while the boaters are out fishing, etc...
Sunrise on the water
I can't believe you aren't taking the Renegade and the Rampage up. Towed someone. That is what Alan and I were talking about doing. Means only one person, but what a ride.
Been taking clients out on our set-ups...up close and personal.
Have you seen the average on the people just lurking on this site?[fishin][fishin][fishin][fishin][Wink]
Thank you everyone for the support! It really means alot to see guys and gals that are thankful for what people in uniform do for our beautiful country. I wish I would have seen this sooner so I could help out but the wife is dragging me to the warped tour concerts. It really is an awesome thing you guys are doing! I know all the men and women of all the armed forces would be very greatful. I know I am! Thank you again for all the support, I give you all a "HOOAH" for everything you are doing. God bless

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