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Tore Mead Up Today....
I took my buddy Alex fishing with me this morning before work. We work together during the day, so he came and picked me up at 3am, we took off to Callville, and we were still at work by 11:30am.

We launched to a pretty windy morning, and got a little wet taking wave spray in the face during our drive out in the dark.

I'll tell you what.... Today was a blast. We were on the water from 4:30am til 10am, and it was pretty wide open while we were out. We even left the fish biting, packing it in immediately after the biggest fish of the day. There's not much better than saying, "Alright, one more cast and we're outta here" and then catching the kicker fish of the day.

Landed 20+ fish today, only one was a striper.

[inline "Lake Mead Bass (1).JPG"]

[inline "Lake Mead Bass (2).JPG"]

[inline "Lake Mead Bass (3).JPG"]

[inline "Lake Mead Bass (4).JPG"]

[inline "Lake Mead Bass (5).JPG"]

[inline "Lake Mead Bass (6).JPG"]

[inline "Lake Mead Bass (7).JPG"]

[inline "Lake Mead Bass (8).JPG"]

[inline "Lake Mead Bass (9).JPG"]

[inline "Lake Mead Bass (10).JPG"]

[inline "Lake Mead Bass (11).JPG"]

[inline "Lake Mead Bass (13).JPG"]

And then my best for the day, just shy of 4lbs.
[inline "Lake Mead Bass (14).JPG"]
[inline "Lake Mead Bass (15).JPG"]

Awesome day! I never really liked anything around Callville but have spent very little time there since I usually go way north. Might have to make another try at it one of these days!
[cool] rip them lips son!! nice going out there. one day I will have a boat and hopefully be a fraction of a bass angler all u guys are. I have the knowledge, I have the gear, just lacking the boat. thanx for the report man! [fishon]
[cool]Way to go . That makes for a great day even if you still had to work.
What did you guys catch those fish on?
90% of the fish that day were caught on football jigs with craw trailers. We picked up a couple fish on topwaters early in the day.
Thanks, the jigs never have a bad time of the year.

You always come out with great fish!!
Way to go! Looks like some nice quality as well as quantity.

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