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Never fished Clark Canyon, HELP!
Could anyone give me some pointers on fishing Clark Canyon? Would like to target lings first and chase some of those big rainbows. All pictures I see shows most fishing interstate side. Is south end better or towards the dam. What about jigs? What would you suggest? Has anyone been there this year? How thick is the ice? So many questions, appreciate your input. Don't want to go totally blind.[Image: happy.gif]
I don't know where Clark Canyon is but I see you are from Idaho, if that is the state it is located in, you might get a answer on that board. Good luck.
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000]I beleive he was talking about Clark Canyon Reservoir just off the west side of I-15 south of Dillon, MT.[/#800000][/font]
Bob Hicks, from Utah
I'm 82 years young and going as hard as I can for as long as I can.
"Free men do not ask permission to bear arms."
I would like to go there as well but know of no one who has been there, i guess that the same things that work for lings in Flamimg Gorge would work there but I have never fished for them
Ive never fished it but know some one who.fishes it often. He uses jigs and bait. And sounds like it doesnt matter much on where you fish.. I cant believe no one has fished the place on this sight. Do to ive scene hundreds of people on the ice there at a time. Its in Idaho.. At the Montana border. Most of it is in Montana but some is in Idaho.
That is why I told him to post it on the Idaho board, this board does not get nearly as many members reading it as the main state boards, especially the Idaho and Utah boards.
[quote jeremypeace]Ive never fished it but know some one who.fishes it often. Its in Idaho.. At the Montana border. Most of it is in Montana but some is in Idaho.[/quote][font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000]Sorry JP, but you better check your maps. Clark Canyon is appx. 44 miles NORTH of the Idaho border on I-15 and 100% in Montana. A quick check of both the Idaho and Montana boards will show there has been nothing posted in either place since Jan 2012 (ID) and Feb 2010 (MT). The ID post had some information about where to find the ling but it wasn't too specific.[/#800000][/font]
Bob Hicks, from Utah
I'm 82 years young and going as hard as I can for as long as I can.
"Free men do not ask permission to bear arms."
Yeah not a lot of info to go off from this site. I have never fished it before but will be headed to Dillon on Thursday. Hopefully I can find a little success and give a report. I've been wanting to get a chance at catching ling. so far as I understand they can be caught anywhere from 15 - 70 depending on the lake. Most people seem to rely on some form of jig tipped with minnows or sucker meat. Glowing jig heads and jigs also seem to be popular as the ling will be close to bottom. I also read a lot if people like jigging rattling spoons because the extra noise helps bring them in. I will most likely only have time to fish the morning but I hear ling can be caught all day with the best bite being just after sunset. If anyone out does have any extra info on specific locations that would be better at Clark canyon I'm would be more than grateful for some help.
My brother and some of his friends fished it last week . They caught a 5 and an 8 pound Rainbow during the day . They caught there limlt of ling at night . They said the ling bite was best between 2 and 4 in the morning . The biggest ling was 30 " .
I did make it up on Thursday. The trout fishing was kinda slow durring the day, at least where we fished but once the sun Went down we started to do pretty good ling fishing. Between 5:30 and 9:30 we landed 12 all from 24 to 30" between the two of us. It was a blast. They really seemed to like a large glow chatterbug jig tipped with a pretty big chunk of sucker meat. We only caught a few dead sticking aided by the use of a jaw jacker. Usually they bit on a pretty aggressive jig bouncing right off the bottom. Between 25-40' and close to some kind of rocky structure seemed to bring the most success. I might add that we also caught three ling durring the middle of the day between 1 and 5 pm. They were the smallest we caught but were still between 18" and 23"
I noticed about 100 ice huts on the south side of the lake is that were people are catching these huge trout?
[url ";forum_view=forum_view_collapsed;page=unread#unread"];forum_view=forum_view_collapsed;page=unread#unread[/url]
this is my post from last night on the Idaho board. it was a lot of fun and I highly recommend trying it. also there is a couple other posts on it on the Idaho general fishing board so check it out. and youtube is a great research tool. that is where I got a lot of info from as well. good luck and rip some lips.

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