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Dry Fly Hackle Question
I tie streamers and nymphs. Now I have decided try my hand at dry fly tying.
Question: I was looking at the Whiting Bronze Cape in grizzly. One cape the black barring was dark and the other cape the black barring was lighter in color. Does the dark barring vs. the light barring make any difference when fishing a fly with this material? Will one attract a fish more than the other? or Does it even matter?
Yes the dark vs light barring can make a difference. Not often enough to make it a big deal at first.

I suggest you look at the ten dry flies you want to tie. If the majority call for a light barring and a few call for the dark barring then buy the light and tie them all with the light.

Option two is to buy the 100 packs from whiting. They really do have enough hackle to tie that many flies and for the cost of one cape you can get many different shades and sizes.
Thank you.
What dries you thinking about?
Parachute Adams, Orange Asher, Blue Winged Olive, Griffiths Gnat, Elk Hair Caddis and PMD.

It sounds like you need a grizzley (black and white) cape or a pack of the 100s. However you will get mostly one size with the 100 packs and with a cape you will get a lot of different sizes.
Grizzly, Furnace hackle, and a Gray or white hackle. 100's are good, but if you are going to tie a lot I prefer the capes. Half capes and sometimes they combine two different half capes in one package. Certainly more money, but I have capes that are 25 years old and still plenty of hackle. And you are free for more sizes and other applications.
But if you are on a budget, the 100's.
If you go cape, go the best you can get, inspect them.
I would love to see pictures when you are done.
FG, Have you ever put on a fly tying class or hosted a club? I would love to learn some patterns and techniques from you.

I have. A couple here in Utah, but most are in Idaho. It would be fun here.
Are you going to tie anything at the Idaho Falls thing this year?
I am. I am Tying mids , but bringing material to tie other things. Focusing on the Chironomids and will have some slip indicators to give away.
What day and time have they got you for? I think I might make it up there.
Saturday 8 to noon.

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