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White bass at night?
I've caught them from dusk into the dark, but what about an actual night trip up one of the rivers? If not i'll go hit the catfish.

Also, is the big spawn action over? Been so busy, did I miss it?
[#0000FF]I have caught lots of white bass in the dark...usually while casting for walleyes. But they also pick up worms and other baits being fished for cats.[/#0000FF]
[#0000FF]The white bass run is liable to last a few more days at least. A few I kept on Monday were females...with eggs still not quite developed yet. It has been a weird weather year and that has all species spaced out in a prolonged spawn.
Stopped by today. The spawn is slowing some but there are still fish available and biting.
Yes white bass bite at night. Back in the South we fished a lot at night. We would fire up the Colman lanterns mounted on the side of our boats and fished with bighead minnows or thread fin minnows. No limit on the number of rods. Usually 3-4 rods per person. It was a circus when several fish were on at the same time. Caught a lot of Crappie too. But the main difference here in Utah there are no forage minnows to attract with the lights. When the skeeters were real bad we would suspend the lanterns from a tree limb and back the boat away. Just within casting distance. Fun times. What a shock that there was was a place in America where rod numbers were limited, no trees in or around the lakes, no jingle lines, and no jug fishing, and no live bait.What are things coming to?

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