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Truman is a very generous lake!
Hi Friends, cactus jack here again. Well I spent the last two days hitting Truman hard. H2O temp was averaging 48-53 up Tebo and Lil Tebo. Now is my favorite time for throwing the GIANT TUBES in shallower water. Please note I never pound banks. Shallow water to me is less than 10 feet. It seems the bigger fish are suspending about 12-15' then moving up after the water warms during the day.<br>I suggest looking for the following structure, right now, for what could be the BASS of your life time. While I would be foolish to give out my grid coord where I am catching these big fish I will suggest what you need to look for.<br>First pick your favorite creek arm and go up stream untill you hit warm water....50* plus. (IMPORTANT) Stay in the channel keeping your boat in 30' or more depth. At the channel breaks or turns look for points gradually running from the bank to the channel, or look for very shallow submerged humps running alongside the channel immediatly next to deep water. These are easly identified by boucoup standing hardwoods, cedars etc. You should see fish on your graph in these areas. Keep your boat in the deep water and cast to the shallower. Pull out that giant tube with no more weight than necessary to get it through the trash. You will be a happy camper when you connect with that first light, VERY LIGHT, bump. I was using a Calcutta 150 with 14lb Trilene Big Game, bait of choice is a Giant Saltwater Squid Tube from Cabelas, the only color I use at truman is a red head with pearl body. By hitting the areas I told you about above I managed to land one right at 8lbs and two in the 6-7 lb range, using your normal 4,5 and 6" tubes I caught several 15 to 18 " fish, but the big girls like a big tube.........10" plus.<br>Give it a try. Let me know what you think.<br>GOOD FISHING<br><br>Jack Glenn<br>Professional Bass Fishing Guide<br>Lake Stockton, MO (816) 847-0004

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