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deer creek
i fished deer creek from my boat twice last week. monday i caught three rainbows on popgear and one tiny smally jigging. wed i caught two rainbows. i lost a couple fish at the boat both days.
Welcome to BFT and thanks for posting. Deer Creek was our "Plan B" if accessing Strawberry looked too dangerous.
Welcome to the site and thanks for the report. Were you using popgear and a worm or a lure behind the popgear?
yes worm rig on popgear
OK, have you ever tried using a lure when you run pop gear?
i am somewhat new to popgear. it was the first and second time i have had my boat in the water.
You can't beat a piece of bait for catching fish this time of the year but there are times that a lure will work just as well. IMO, because of how hard it is to reel in pop gear, i prefer using a dodger with a worm harness or lure. The dodger is just as effective at drawing the fish in as pop gear but is much easier to reel in. Years ago, before I starting using dodgers, I also used pop gear(PG) but after a while I down sized to the smaller size PG, to cut down on the drag.
You said this is the second time that you have had your boat in the water, are you a new boat owner?
Welcome to the site. Thanks for posting.
Many of us have gone away from popgear because of the tremendous drag while you are reeling in the fish. Many of us trollers have gone to attracter blades that wobble a bait or lure in the water and attract fish like popgear does. These are usually called dodgers. However, with an dodger on the line it does not take away from the fun of reeling in the fish and feeling the fight. Just a friendly suggestion. Much more fun fighting the fish and not so heavy.
You can find dodgers at any tackle store. I like Rocky Mountain Tackle dodgers.
Good luck.
i will try dodgers and lures next time. east canyon can launch boat still? east canyon and deer creek. should i fish ec trolling same lures that i did at dc?
[quote jones4fish]i will try dodgers and lures next time. east canyon can launch boat still? east canyon and deer creek. should i fish ec trolling same lures that i did at dc?[/quote]

here is a set up that works good a DC and Strawberry
18" leader between dodger and lure. you can make this use glow beads.
The same lures that attract trout at one lake probably works at another lake. Unless it is a high alpine lake.
Liketrolling gave you a perfect example of a trout trolling setup using a dodger. Thanks Robert.
Go get em.

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