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Filosophy of Phishing
[#0000FF]I suspect this probably belongs on the "off topics" board. But here 'tis anyways. I found this while rummaging through some of my old collected files of semi-useful info. Not sure of the original source of the compilation but most of the quotes are credited to those who uttered them first.
Best compilation of fishing quotes I have seen. Gonna lift one for my signature. By the way, how do I turn my script purple? Serious question.
The older I get the more I would rather be considered a good man than a good fisherman.

[#8000ff]Click on the Red underlined A in the edit box, then click on the color of your choice.
[#8000ff][#000000]However, as wiki says, purple may not fit your style...[/#000000][/#8000ff]
Purple prose
In literary criticism, purple prose is prose text that is so extravagant, ornate, or flowery as to break the flow and draw excessive attention to itself. Purple prose is characterized by the excessive use of adjectives, adverbs, and metaphors.

Other colors are "internet code" for intent. Green is known as the sarcasm font, for example. Red denotes anger.

[#0000FF]Rocky has given you your answer. But I will modify it by saying that not all browsers allow full function editing and formatting on BFT. If your browser does not display the red underlined A, try Firefox or some other browser that does.
Alternatively, try clicking on the other "A" and look for the small "color" box in the font option box.

[#800000][size 3]Maroon, for example.[/size][/#800000]
I was under the assumption a color upgrade was offered after 25 thousand posts and a less than 1 percent offending rate. [Wink]
Guess I don't got the red A. Ya know what that symbolizes, don't ya.

Just started reading a book that was so full of purple prose that I couldn't keep going. 'Bout made me want to puke. [crazy][mad]
The older I get the more I would rather be considered a good man than a good fisherman.

[quote Stickleback]I was under the assumption a color upgrade was offered after 25 thousand posts and a less than 1 percent offending rate. [Wink][/quote]

[#0000FF]Maybe. But I was (great) grandfathered in before that rule went into effect. Go figure.[/#0000FF]
[#0000FF]1% offending rate. If that applied to me I would have been banned long ago. 'Tis a poor day when I can't ruffle a few feathers.[/#0000FF]
[quote catchinon]Guess I don't got the red A. Ya know what that symbolizes, don't ya. quote]

[#0000FF]If you use the right browser, this is how your edit bar will display. Click on the red A, then click on your color choice...and then on OK.[/#0000FF]
[inline "BFT EDIT.png"]
Just for fun, if you like reading, check out the the Bulwar-Lytton writing contest website. It''s an ongoing annual literary lark where entrants submit the worst possible writing disguised as good writing. Exaggeration, wandering in-apt metaphors that resolve poorly, outrageous puns, purple prose, and all the ostentacious, self- referential, excessive, heavy-handed wordcraft you can read. Funny stuff.

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