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Deer Creek Flotilla 07/12/19
I am going to find my over to Deer Creek on the morning of July 12 and was hoping we could have an impromptu Flotilla. Nothing formal, just a little fishing and a little elbow rubbing with fellow BFT'ers. I plan on fishing up near the island toward Charleston and I will be targeting Walleye (big surprise).

Let me know if you would like to join us and we can make a plan on meeting time and lunch.
[#0000FF]Sounds like a worthy plan. I'll try to join you. And then maybe the next week we can meet at Starvy. 'Bout time for some decent action there.
Sounds like a plan!
I am going to launch up at the Resort area, is there any place where you can launch by Charlston?
[quote fish_fanatic]I am going to launch up at the Resort area, is there any place where you can launch by Charlston?[/quote]

[#0000FF]With the water level up, you can launch tubes and small boats at the Charleston state park area. It is right at the mouth of the Provo River inlet. No ramp but easy launching from a nice sand/gravel shore.[/#0000FF]
[#0000FF]When the water drops it is a long slog through the mud to reach the water and that launch area is no longer viable.[/#0000FF]

I might join. I have been doing pretty good on eyes in Charleston and I know it won't last much longer. From my experience, after the first week of July, the eyes leave Charleston. This year things are delayed just a bit though. Who knows for sure though?
I hope you can make it, look forward in meeting you and catch a few eyes.
I think I will be able to make it. Sounds fun.

If anyone has an extra seat in their boat Cathinon would like to join us.
On a side note I would not go to Deer Creek in a boat on a weekend if you paid me. Pure insanity on the ramp and in the lake. I was there in the evening during the week last week and the power squadron was wreaking havoc even then. What I don't understand is why when they have the entire lake they have to use my boat as their maker buoy!?!?!?!?
We will be fishing on a Friday and launch early around 6:00 Am be will be off by noon or so. The Power squadron are the type that are not early risers so I think we should be okay. I have absolutely no problem calling the state Park and having them send the fish cop out, I have done it before. The biggest problem is the authorities are not visible enough and therefore they get away with it. On a side note because of the Dam repair on Steineker Resourvoi Red Fleet was being overrun. The good news is the fish cop lives in the Park and has written a bunch of tickets and I have had absolutely no problem on Red Fleet this year which is a surprise to me. I hope you come join us on Friday the 12th.
[#0000FF]I used to love Deer Creek. But have not fished it nearly as much the past few years. And the 2-year mussel quarantine was only part of it. My last two trips before that were both midweek and right at daybreak. Both times I was almost run over by early water skiers "running the banks" while I was working the shoreline. And during later morning hours it is not uncommon to have power wackos run wide open between you and the shoreline when you are only a few yards from shore.[/#0000FF]
[#0000FF]Unfortunately, rangers do not patrol Deer Creek too order not to offend their paying boaters. The only way they take immediate action is if you report that one of them has a dog on board. No dogs allowed no how no way on Deer Creek.
I hope we can have an uneventful morning and catch some fish. If not bring some cash you may have to bail me out of jail. I will leave my .45 at home that will help or will it, maybe I will hang a sign on my toon that says FISHERMAN HEAVILY ARMED WITH BAD ATTITUDE that might keep them away.
It would be a blast to join you guys but I'm flying out to Alabama to get my newer boat on that day.

Good luck and have fun.
Live to hunt----- Hunt to live.
Then I think your obligated to give me your ol d one!!!
If you bring my new one to me you can have the old. [Wink]

But yeah it's time to make room for the new toy.
Live to hunt----- Hunt to live.
I agree take pictures and call state parks.
My dad used to take his flipper and marbles with him.
Does anyone have deer creek state parks number??

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