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Aggression in the Grass
[font "Arial"][size 2]When bass are even halfway receptive, in a positive feeding mode, most strikes will occur as the lure falls. However, this can sometimes be a very subtle take. Your only clue may be an excessive amount of line traveling through the mat. If you notice this think of it as a wakeup call - chances are pretty good a bass is swimming off with your bait.[/size][/font] [left][font "Arial"][size 2]On those occasions when fish are extremely aggressive, they will literally help pull the lure through the mat. I've seen some tremendous fish actually lift the vegetation as they move in on a lure. What follows is a vacuum-like effect where the mat literally gets sucked downward. It's actually kind of spooky…you're not sure what's got your lure![/size][/font][/left] [left][font "Arial"][size 2]When this type of strike occurs, the immediate reaction will be to set the hook. But this could cost you. Many times bass are purely trying to flush or disorient their prey. Be certain the fish has the lure by observing your line, and then lightly check for tension. When you're sure he's got it, set the hook firmly and maintain pressure. Unfortunately, there's no sure thing and bass in heavy cover have the advantage.[/size][/font][/left]

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