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Just a short question about buzzbaits are they mainly for stained color water?

I’m getting excited about pulling the boat out and how many different bass water I can get on.
Thank.Tube I would like to see thows bunny buzzbaits.
Hey Chip.

I can't believe that I missed this post. I love using buzz baits. I got turned on to them from Kayote this past summer. Its almost breath taking when that bass comes and slams the buzzers. I started with one buzzer and thanks mostly to Tubedude I have 13. I have never used them in stained water but that will change when the water and air temp warm up. I can't wait to try them down on Utah lake.

Sure Tinbro, I get ice flies and you get 13 buzzbaits. Brown noser. LMAO. Hey Chip Chucker,

A couple things I have learned about buzzbait fishing. Use heavy line on a stiff rod. I like a medium heavy action casting rod spooled with a minimum of 12, preferably 14 pound test (can easily go to 20). This reduces line stretch and so increases hook sets. Fish early in the morning. Be on the water in the dark if you can. Often, the action is over by 9 am. Twilight can be good, but it's a much shorter 'on' bite than the morning. Sometimes however, the gods Smile and the surface bite lasts all day. Mid summer seems to be the best for me, but I've caught fish on them as early as the first of June and as late as November. Fall can be hot also. My favorite type is the Terminator Buzzbait because they can't be bent out of shape and have superior action. I also use white or white and chartreuse color combos. Of course, I've never had the priveledge of fishing hand made buzzers from the guru. Sheesh. Also, fish the entire shoreline. Just when I think I have their favorite habitat figured out, they change. They can be anywhere. Cast in tight to the shoreline, as close as you can and begin your retrieve the second the lure hits the water. Good luck.

Good Bass Fishing, Kayote
Hey Kayote,

Call me what you will, Just remember that I'm no longer the buzzer rookie. And the I have the guru's magic buzzers you won't have a chance.[Tongue]

Listen to the Kayote, He's the buzzer King.

Try a black buzz bait at jordanelle you won't regret it at all I promise you this. I had a total ball last summer up there. lots of 14 to 18 in. smallies, they exploide on it. if you miss alot of hits put a trailer hook on. have fun, I did later chuck

I have bought a couple of buzz baits. What size do you recommend? Thanks, for all the advice it is taken well . Always looking for more.

I usually use a 3/8 oz. buzzbait, but I really don't think the size is critical. I also don't think the make, style or color is all that important either. Buzzbaits draw a reaction bite. I don't think the bass think about it much before they hit. Many of my bass are on the hook the second the lure hits the water. One of the best working buzzbaits I have ever seen belonged to my friend Allen. It was bright orange and had a big bobber looking thing with fins on it, no actual blade. He got it in one of those 'bucket o lures' discount bins. Out fished me 3 to 1 until he moon balled it into the middle of the lake when his line separated. Good luck

Good Bass Fishing, Kayote

Hey. Many thanks koyote Its guys on this web sight that make it a lot easer to buy at sportsman warehouse, or Cabelas since they have so much to choose from it can be frustrating. Thanks Chip

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