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New Jig Head Colors
[cool][blue][size 2]I thought I would post up some info and pics on some new paints I have been experimenting with. They are the clear/metallic vinyl paints, which I get from Barlow's Tackle ( .

Unlike the hot colors, you do not have to use a white undercoat on these paints. In fact, they look much better when applied over fresh bright lead. The colors and the finish is good enough to fish as soon as they are dry. HOWEVER, I just don't seem to be able to do something like that. I always gotta mess widdit.

It is not easy to see, in the attached scanned pic, but I have added some glitter highlights on some of the paints, and eyes on most of them. The colors I have acquired, and will be "field testing" during the coming weeks, are green, yellow, orange, red, purple and blue. I also just sent for some pink, which is a "hot color" on Utah Lake in the cold water months. It is also a good color for troutskis through the ice.

Since these are designed to show the metallic surface below the paint, I am going to try them on some spoons and spinner blades too. What the heck?

Nice colors. Bet they look great in the sunlight.
[cool][blue][size 2]Yep. They sure do. As we discussed in that meeting last Wednesday, increasing visibility can be an important part of getting strikes.

The colors of glitter and eyes I am experimenting with are designed to fish the most effective walleye colors. These include the different combos of darker colors with a chartreuse black, purple, dark blue, etc. They can also be deadly as complimentaary or contrasting color heads for solid white, yellow, chartreuse, blues and purples.

I like to have as many bullets in my ammunition belt (tackle box) as I can, whenever I go upon the waters. Maybe fish are really colorblind, like some biologists claim, but we have all had days when they seemed to prefer one color (or color combo) over anything else. If I am not scoring with one thing, I keep changing until I find what those fishies want. Sometimes I wonder if they even know what they want.

My personal theory on colors is that it is not so much that the fish are "fashion conscious" as much as that certain colors are more visible under different conditions of water clarity, depth, light intensity and all that stuff. Again, it doesn't matter what our favorite colors are, it is what the fish can see and will respond to.

We will get those colors thoroughly tested on the wallies, and then introduce them to the smallies next spring.

Can you make any suggestions on where to go to get good solid colors locally? I have a bunch of jig heads I purchased some time ago that I think I will do some painting this week.
Sorry, also need to know what brands are great with doing these types of things that will stick well to lead.
[cool][blue][size 2]Sportsmans has quite a few colors in the 1 oz. size vinyl jig paints. I get that small size in the colors I do not use as much, but get the larger 4 oz. size from Barlows in colors I use a lot. If you buy the vinyl paints, be sure to get plenty of the thinner for that paint. Many of the bottles are too thick to use without a bit of thinning first. Proper consistency makes a big difference on how easy the paint goes on and how it looks when dried.

I also recommend that you finish off the vinyl painted jigs with a top coat of clear epoxy. I also get that from Barlows. I don't think Sportsmans has it. The epoxy coat does a couple of things. It adds to the chip resistance and it makes the jig head "plastic proof". Helps when you accidently leave a jig head in a plastic and drop it in with other plastics. If the paint is not resistant to the solvents in plastic, you will end up with a gooey mess. Been there, done that.

Why don't you round up the jigs you need to paint or repaint and come on over some evening. We can have a paintin' good time and sniff some fumes. Shoot me a PM and I will provide my GPS coordinates. Might have Polokid coming over Thursday if you wanna join in.

[cool][blue][size 2]Hey Craig, since you are making noises like you wanna get serious, here is a five page "writeup" from my JIG TUTORIAL folder on my computer. Let me know if you want to go hardcore and I can send you stuff on adding eyes, glittering, etc.

Thanks! If this thursday works I will let you know. My schedule changes at a wim so I will let you know.

I am serious. I have to find something to keep me busy during the cold winter months. Wink
[cool][blue][size 2]Now, Craig, I know you are married. How is it you still need something to keep you busy? No endless list of "honey-dos"?

Some guys would like to know your secret.

I am not sure where you are, but you can pick up the metalic colors at world class models in Orem. They have a lot of the metalics there. I have never had much luck with sportsmans on the metalics.
Well, time management is a big part of my life. Always on the go doing something. I have never been ice fishing so my fishing cuts back by 95% in the colder months. Plus yard work and maintenance is nearly at a halt once there is snow fall. The only major thing I have to deal with is pruning broken tree branches, and making sure the walks and drive-way are clear of snow and ice and properly salted. We recently re-modelled our home so things are in top shape there. My wife will compile a list for me I am sure, but some weeks are better than others.

Here is the secret. Schedule EVERYTHING, live by the schedule.

Don't let your list drag on, I hammer my tasks out as quickly as possible. Plus things are a bit easier for me right now, my wife is pregnant and in nest-mode so by the time I get home from work, everything has already been done. Smile

I'm also one of those that takes advantage of my free time to the fullest. Life is hard work, i figure if I bust my butt for about 10 more years I can retire and then there is more free time to fill.

Thanks for the tips on the paints. I am going to be playing with doing some bright contrasting jig heads to be used for the walleye season. Let me know when you do another jig making party/get-together. I would like to get into making more advanced jigz once I perfect the art of dipping heads into paint.

I am in Sandy, but your idea has turned me on to something. There are several shops in my area that sell model paints for kit cars and radio control aircrafts. Will give them a look.

alright now we are talking. can you give me some info on where to buy it or do you just go on that website? is it a acrylic bake on or dry? any info would be good on these. those are the colors ive been looking for.
[cool][blue][size 2]Hey Mr. X, howya doin'? I thought you might get a rush when you saw those colors.

Believe me, I scour all the sources regularly for new paints, adhesives, glitters and other tying materials. I jumped all over several colors of that stuff to try it as soon as I saw it. I am sold on it and I have every color in their line now.

It is a vinyl jig paint...not lacquer, acrylic, enamel or epoxy. You brush it on and it dries fast. You bake it only after you finish it with a coat of clear epoxy. I am also experimenting with mixing colors to produce new colors. Looks like some good possibilities with the red, blue and purple. Also, you can make a great two-tone with the bright green and the chartreuse yellow. I am also using the blue in combo with silver glitter, and adding gold over the green for perch colors.

Barlows Tackle, in Richardson Texas is where I buy most of my jig molds, hooks, crane swivels, split rings, etc. They are more reasonable and more complete than Janns or anyone else. The metallic vinyl paints are in their catalog now, or you can order online. Although other places sell the regular lines of vinyl jig paints, I have not seen this stuff anywhere else.

As Jed Burton pointed out, you can go to hobby shops that specialize in model cars and trains and find lots of neat colors in paints. These are usually enamels, however, and come off fairly easy, even with a coat of epoxy over them. If you build up a coat or two of clear vinyl (with or without glitter), it toughens up the enamel so the epoxy really locks it on.

What happened to our summer? We never got to hook up and go fishing. If you weren't such a gadabout, maybe we could make it happen. How about you and C. coming down some evening and I can show you some of the latest stuff.

[cool]Wow! 'Dem are sum purty jigs ya got ther, TubeDude!
[cool][blue][size 2]Aw, shucks. I'll betcha say that ta all the guys.

Wait til we gets a chance to flash those at the fishies in Jordy next spring. You gonna join us in some tubin'?

Ever use this stuff?

Was thinking of ordering some to try on some night and early morning jigs.
[cool][blue][size 2]That looks like some good stuff. Obviously, I have to get some and try it out.

I have been using the high-tech glow powders from Extreme Glow products, and mixing them in clear vinyl paint, like I do with glitter. They hold a "charge" for up to 14 hours. I turn out the lights in my office/playpen at night, and when I come back in the morning, the bottles with the powder are still glowing. (Sorry, my system isn't doing links right now)

You can buy glow paints in many hobby and craft shops, and the vinyl jig paint lines also have glow paints in many colors. Those things work great for night fishing in the warmer months and for fishing under snow covered ice in the winter.

yeah this summer feel apart for me so far. sounds good to me. we can always run down and hang out see whats goin on check the new stuff etc. i have a cool idea for a pontoon rack. ill bring the idea down also. let me know when a good time is. i havent been fishing too much lately. im relinquished to weekends. im a weekend warrior now agh.
Heck yeah, I'd love to join ya. I'm not really free till Oct. 30th 'cause that's when BYpoo has a bye week. I think I recall you talking about going up to the big Bear Lake to chase some macks from the tube? I might be able to make that. Don't have too many mack jigs (nor can I afford the equipment right now to poor/make some) but I do have some awesome Blue Fox Tor-P-Do spoons (no longer made) that I'd love to drop down and jig for them. Let me know if you have any more room in the Bear Lake tubin' party!

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