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Anti's poll backfires!!
<> Backfire! Anti-Gun Poll

Gun ban lobby's own web poll shows support for CCW
This probably wasn't what they were hoping for.

A group of gun ban extremists by the name of "Women Against Gun Violence" have posted a web poll asking visitors "Should civilians be allowed to carry concealed weapons?"

The website promotes its guiding principles to be:

1. We have the right to be free from gun violence in our homes, streets, schools, places of work and communities.
2. The presence and availability of firearms pose a significant threat to the safety of our communities.
3. Gun violence is a critical public health, safety, social and economic issue costing thousands of lives and billions of dollars every year.
4. To prevent gun violence, access to and availability of handguns, assault weapons and ammunition must be reduced.
5. Safety mechanisms must be maximized on guns that are produced and sold and consumer product safety laws must apply equally to firearms.

Is their message getting out? Must we reduce the availablity of guns to law-abiding citzens? Must we try to circumvent to Constitution by classifying gun violence as a public health issue, thereby allowing unelected, anti-gun CDC bureaucrats to endorce gun control policies on America? Is the presence of guns what is threatening our communities? Can we ever be "gun free"?

The WAGs' own readers don't think so:

Poll Results
Question: Should civilians be allowed to carry concealed weapons?

Yes - 97%
No - 2%
I don't know - 1%

it just proves that people,are starting to realize that legal peaple don't kill,it is the criminals,that can get guns illegally do.and we need to protect ourselves.
some people like being led to the sloter, and they sould be allowed to, it after all thier choice-this is america isnt it?

OK bad joke, I agree, only criminals want you to surender your fire arms rights, people like Husain. and if any one thinks that cant happen here in the USA have vary short memories, this has happened twice in my life time by our own government. fortunatly our government losses power every couple years or we would have been is as bad of shape as Iraq. Iraq is the perfect example of what happens when criminals take over....

Will we ever be free of guns?, I beleive every one who graduates from highschool and registers to vote should be given a gun!!! a bit of an over statement but you get my drift...
Was it the Swiss that have a rifle in every house? With very low crime rate. Australia had their crime rate soar when they banned guns to the public. The powers to be seem to be heading in the right direction. Some day maybe we can carry pistals into other states.

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