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Weekly DEP report
[font "Times New Roman"]Weekly Fishing Report - Week of June 27, 2005 [/font] [font "Times New Roman"][#004080]INLAND REPORT[/#004080][/font]
[font "Times New Roman"][Image: browntrt.gif]TROUT[/font]
[font "Times New Roman"]Rivers & streams - Anglers reported good trout fishing from a number of rivers and streams including the Farmington (21” brown, lots of 15-18” fish), Housatonic, (plenty of 15-18” fish at dawn and dusk), Shetucket, Scantic, Salmon and Willimantic Rivers and Hop Brook. Low flows and hot summer conditions have made early and late in the day the peak dry fly times. You should be on 7-8x tippets. Expect rainbows to be in the faster water.[/font]
[font "Times New Roman"]The Farmington River is currently 60°F (6/30), flows remain quite fishable, clear and relatively stable (270 cfs at Riverton plus an additional 65 from the Still River). Light Cahills (#12, morning), Isonychia (#10-14, evening), Blue Wing Olives (#18-22, mid-late afternoon), Sulphurs duns, (#18-20, afternoon to early evening for spinners), Caddis (tan #14-18, all day; green #22-26, evening), Midges (#22-28, morning), Black Ants (#14-18, morning), Flying Ants (#18-22, when humid) and Pale Evening Duns (Epeorus vitreus #14-16, afternoon & early evenings) are successful patterns. Don’t neglect nymphs in the riffles. The Housatonic River is currently (6/30) 76°F, with 840 cfs of murky flows. Although the higher flows (thanks to this week’s welcome rains) and the cooler temperatures forecast for the upcoming holiday weekend should lessen summer stress on trout, [#ff0000]anglers are reminded that extra care should be taken when handling trout they plan to release![/#ff0000] This is also an excellent time to switch to smallmouth bass in the Housatonic River. Insect hatches include: Alder Caddis (#10-12, afternoon-evening near overhangs), Green/Brown Drakes (#8-12), Sulphurs (#14-16, evening), Blue Wing Olive (#18-22, early morning; spinner fall in evening), Isonychia (#12-14 evening), Light Cahill (#12-14, evening), and tan and green caddis (#14-16, early morning & evening). Midges and stoneflies can be found at the mouths of streams (golden stonefly nymphs hatch at first light and adults egg-lay after dark). Streamers (morning & evening) are catching some larger fish.[/font]
[font "Times New Roman"][#ff0000]Anglers are reminded that the thermal refuge areas on the Housatonic, Naugatuck and Shetucket Rivers are now closed to fishing and will reopen on September 1.[/#ff0000][/font]
[font "Times New Roman"]Lakes & Ponds Good trout fishing can be found in many lakes and ponds including Lake Saltonstall, Wonoscopomuc, Candlewood, Highland and East Twin Lakes, Beach, Squantz and West Hill Ponds and at the Black Rock Trout Park.[/font]
[font "Times New Roman"] Good NORTHERN PIKE fishing reported at Lake Lillinonah, Bantam Lake, Winchester Lake and Pachaug Pond. Good reports for LARGEMOUTH BASS fishing from a number of areas including Lakes McDonough, Williams, Zoar and Lillinonah, Beseck, Candlewood, Amos, Cedar, Congamond, Mashapaug and Gardner Lakes, Lower Moodus Reservoir, Scoville Reservoir, Huntington Pond, Mudge Pond and Beach Pond. SMALLMOUTH BASS action reported at Lake Zoar, Candlewood Lake (4.4 lb bass), Squantz Pond, and in the Housatonic (good to excellent) and Quinebaug Rivers. Lake Zoar CATFISH are keeping some anglers very busy. Good angling for WALLEYE reported from Coventry Lake, Lake Saltonstall (6.25 lb walleye) and Squantz Pond (many catches in the 4-5 lb range). CALICO BASS action is good at Avery Pond, Silver Lake (Meriden), Glasgo Pond, Oxoboxo Lake and Pachaug Pond. Several anglers are reporting nice catches of CHAIN PICKEREL at Scoville Reservoir and Huntington State Park Pond.[/font]
[font "Times New Roman"]Connecticut RiverIt’s time for CATFISH, try frozen herring and large chunks of cut bait, chicken liver, and night crawlers. NORTHERN PIKE fishing is good and catches are reported in White Oaks, Wrights & Wethersfield Cove, Windsor, Haddam Meadows and downstream from Hartford to Haddam. Good SMALLMOUTH BASS action reported above Hartford. STRIPED BASS is generally slow, some big fish are still being taken at night in the lower river on live eels.[/font] [font "Times New Roman"][#004080]MARINE REPORT[/#004080][Image: stb2.gif][/font]
[font "Times New Roman"]The surface water temperature in Long Island Sound (LIS) ranges from the mid to upper 60’s °F. Check out the following web sites for more detailed water temperatures and marine boating conditions:[/font]
[font "Times New Roman"][url ""][/url] [Image: arrow7.gif]
[url ""][/url] [Image: arrow7.gif]
[url ""][/url] [Image: arrow7.gif][/font]
[font "Times New Roman"]Also remember to check the CT [url ""]Angler’s Guide[/url] page 52 for tidal information and page 50 for saltwater trophy fish award info.[/font]
[font "Times New Roman"][#ff0000]NOTE: [url ""]Scup (porgy)[/url] season opens Thursday, July 1.[/#ff0000][#ff0000] The minimum size for scup is 10 ½ inches and the daily creel limit is 25 fish per person.[/#ff0000][/font]
[font "Times New Roman"][#ff0000]Please see the [/#ff0000][url ""]Current Marine Fisheries Recreational Regulations[/url][#0080ff] [/#0080ff][#ff0000]page for new regulations on Summer Flounder (Fluke), Scup (Porgy) and Black Sea Bass that went into effect May 27, 2005.[/#ff0000][/font]
[font "Times New Roman"]STRIPED BASS fishing is good on the local reefs with fish in the 40+inch range. The slow troll/retrieve tube and worm combination, and drifting live eels, bunker, and hickory shad work well for those “cow” bass. Both STRIPERS and BLUEFISH can be found in the Race by Valiant Rock on the flood tide, which remains the most consistent spot for choppers. Other striper and bluefish spots include the reefs off Watch Hill to the eastern tip of Fishers Island, Ram Island Reef, Plum Gut, Bartlett Reef, the humps south of Hatchett Reef, Long Sand Shoal, Southwest Reef, Sixmile Reef, the reefs off Branford, New Haven Harbor, Charles Island area, Penfield Reef, and around the Norwalk Islands. Dawn and dusk are the best times for top water action using poppers and swimming plugs.[/font]
[font "Times New Roman"]SUMMER FLOUNDER (fluke) fishing is fair to good with a lot of throw-backs being reported (fish under the minimum length of 17 ½ inches).[/font]
[font "Times New Roman"]Also look for BLACK SEA BASS at the usual doormat spots including Fishers Island Sound off Stonington and the mouth of the Mystic River, Niantic Bay including Black Point, Sound View Beach, Westbrook area, the “Dunes” off Mattituck, Falkner Island area to the reefs off Branford, New Haven Harbor, Housatonic River, and off the Norwalk Islands.[/font]
[font "Times New Roman"]TAUTOG (blackfish) can also be found on the local reefs.[/font]
[font "Times New Roman"]HICKORY SHAD are mixed in with school stripers in the Niantic and Connecticut Rivers.[/font]
[font "Times New Roman"][#009999]Interested in participating in the Marine Volunteer Angler Survey? Please see page 41 of the 2005 CT [url ""]Angler’s Guide[/url] for contact information. Your participation is critical to effective fisheries management of your marine fishery resources. Thank you.[/#009999][/font] [center][font "Times New Roman"][url ""]Weekly Fishing Report[/url] | [url ""]Bureau of Natural Resources[/url][/font][/center] [font "Arial"][size 2][url ""]Home[/url] | [url ""]Contact Us[/url] | [url ""]Search[/url] | [url ""]Feedback[/url] | [url ""]Website Legal Info[/url][/size][/font] [font "Arial"][size 2]Send comments or questions regarding this site to[/size][#800000][size 2] [url ""][/url][/size][/#800000][/font] [font "Arial"][size 2]Copyright 1998-2004 Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection[/size][/font]

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