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What news story ticked you off today?
[center][Sad][/center][center][font "Poor Richard"][green][size 4]What is your peeve today?[/size][/green][/font][/center] [center][font "Poor Richard"][green][size 4]Seems like every day someone does something really stupid and wants to file a lawsuit to protect them from doing something stupid again.[/size][/green][/font][/center] [center][font "Poor Richard"][green][size 4]My peeve today[/size][/green][/font][/center]
[font "Poor Richard"][green][size 4]Watching the news today I was shocked that a lawyer was quick to file a lawsuit against a manufacturer of gasoline storage containers. Seems like the family’s small child pour gasoline in the garage which created a fire from a flash back from the water heater. Family claims that the can should have been child proof. Where were the parents and why was the gas in easy reach of a small child?[/size][/green][/font]
[font "Poor Richard"][#008000][size 4]What news story ticked you off today?[/size][/#008000][/font]
that sounds like one of them idiot proof lawers.

What part of gasoline is flamable did they not understand? and what part of keeping things out of the hands of those that dont belong in unsupervised childrens.

I cant tell you how many times I have heard on the news "oh my boy didnt mean to kill the neighbor kid" I had the gun hid in the attic. or I didnt mean to run over the kid who was playing in the road because there was no where else to play,

I am sorry for all thier losses but making laws to pretect you from your self is nothing more than an idiot law and trying to get some one else to pay you for being an idiot is criminal. He may as well sew the state for stoping at a red light when the guy behind him dosnt....

I was rear ended last october at a stop sighn. and you know what the mans excuse was? I didnt think you was going to stop. (((My thoughts was after hearing his story was this man lives there for 30+ years and dosnt think he is suspost to stop at a stop sighn?))))

I just got back in my car and waited for the police to come....

and now that I think about it I think there should be an idiot law. every body should have to take a test at the age of 16. just a common sence test and any one who cant pass it should have to wear a sighn on their front and back sides of their bodys or clothing and on any thing they are driving in and any one transporting one should have to post a causion sign on their cars both front and rear. ya just never know when one will stick thier arm out the window and try to tag a semi trailer or jump out of thier seats in to on coming traffic.

I bet any amount of money if you walk in to the home of that family you will find all kinds of product setting in reach of their young child. bet you can find surated butter knives too that can cut in to any one of these containers. who are thay going to sew then? the butter knife company because the knife can cut in to plastic bleach bottols?

those people dont belong having the responcibility of rearing childres.

OK I can see my red neck is turning beet red now....LOL...

but it sure sounds like the sew mcdonalds for making me a porker kind of suit...

how about this, have them sew president bush for making gas flamible... makes about as much sence....

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