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2 year old boys (Oh No)
[font "WST_Czec"][#bf0000][size 5]Well since this is an off topic board i thought i would share this with you people. It kinda has to do with fish. My 7 year old wanted and got an aquarium for christmas man oh man did he ever take good care of his fish until this last saturday. My 2 & a half year old i guess thought it was time to practice his pitching that he had seen on tv and his target (yep the fish tank) a little steel ball was All it took to send the fish to a new home. The kid for a 2 1/2 year old has a rocket for a arm. so to let you know that 2 year olds and aquariums dont mix really well. [/size][/#bf0000][/font]
Yes 2 year olds can be fun they get alot more fun as you probaly already know. I hope the fish were saved for you 7 year olds sake. If not well get him a new tank. What size was tHe tank he broke I maybe able to help you out with a tank if you need one.
[#0080ff]Hi. It was a 10 gallon tank, If you happen to have one, let me know how much you want for it. Austin, my 7 year old is very upset, his fish right now are in a metal pot!! [/#0080ff]
[#0080ff]Thank you very much, have a great day!![/#0080ff]
Try this one on for size. [pirate]2 1/2 yr old playing in upstairs bathroom with friend....decided to unroll the whole roll of TP into the toilet and flush, flush, flush, flush, flush.....valve sticks.....water overflowing bowl.......oh boy how fun a in water for 15 minutes....come down stairs when called for dinner soaking says what the to the stairs.....get dripped on in downstairs hallway.....get up stairs to find 2 inches of water in master bath and master bedroom.....3 weeks later and $12,000 later we had new sheetrock ceiling and walls and some new carpet in the masterbed, master bath upstairs and then downstairs in the entry way, bathroom, hallway, office, laundry room, and part of the garage. Gotta love them 2 yr olds! I can laugh about it now. [Tongue]
Good thing it wasn't my fish tanks! I have a 75 gallon and a 125 gallon set up in my family room! Talk about flooding!

Where are you located? Are the top, filters, etc from your tank still good? If so, I can probably get you just a tank for about $5. I also have a 10 g. tank with the really nice hood with built in filtration (can't remember the name of it), but that would be a bit more money. That top costs a bit. I would have to pull it out and make sure everyting is working ok before offering that one.

I would also have a 20g tank for sale, complete with everything and a stand, for....say...$90. That one is complete, cycled, and running right now, so you could just take it, fill it, get it up to temp, and add fish without cycling a filter, etc.

I would probably take boating / fishing / shooting / sporting goods on trade for any or all of these if you are interested.

PM me if you want one, or even if you are just interested in the $5 tank alone.
Oh yes what fun they are when they are young. My son, who is now almost eight, removed my wifes diamond wedding ring from the counter in one of our bathrooms and deposited it in the waste basket! I believe he was 4 yrs old at the time. Several hours later when my wife could not find the ring we began tearing the house apart trying to find it. I had emptied every waste basket in the house earlier and place it all in our garbage can since it was garbage day the following day. After we finally got a confession out of our son I spent the next 45 minutes digging through the trash to find the ring.

Sounds like you will need to get that son of yours into Little League baseball!

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