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Why have the reports for Strawberry stopped?
Well I just signed up as a new member and was wondering why, since the ice at Strawberry has come off, has there been no reports about the fishing?? When the ice was getting ready to come off everone was talking about it, where to go, what to use, where it was hot and now nothing! Are we keeping it quite for a reason? Is it slow? Or hot? Just wondering....See you all up there this weekend!
I have been to busy catching fish to write reports. Went up to SC the last two weekends and did great on PB. Use a small hook and the right color. Last weekend we caught 14 fish 12 of which were 12 to 15 inch rainbows and one 17" cutt and a nice 20"er on a black jig.

This weekend the tides turned we only caught 6, but we caught 5 cutts and one rainbow. Two 17" two 20" and my wife landed a great looking 22". All fish were realeased. This week we fished in the am and last week in the pm
[cool]Well, the quick (and smart-alec) answer is because you never give a report when you go.[Tongue]

Actually, we just had a huge wiper tourney at Willard and a lot of the Strawberry regulars were there instead. Also, the lake is probably starting to "turn over" about now, which means with the temperature changes happening, the cold water from down below drastically mixes with the warmer temps up above and the lake just becomes very murky this time of year for a couple of weeks or so with lots of algae and other things in it until it settles back down. During that time the fishing is usually slow at 'da berry.

Probably around next weekend or so the fishing will pick back up and you'll see more reports about it around this board. Good luck to you on your next trip out, welcome to BFT/Utah board, and don't forget to post on your next trip!
I will post after this weekend. Thanks for all the info. This is an awsome site to check up with. So do you find it better to use something that is bright when the water is murky compaired to the last few weeks of using a black wolley bugger or jig?
[cool]Hey, that's a cool picture there. Looks like it was pretty cold that day, but the fishing was good. I think I'd use darker colors with the murkier water right now. Black or brown maribou jigs or flies (like a zonker, wooly bugger, etc.). Good luck next trip out there. I went a couple weeks ago, but the fishing was a bit slow for me, but still lots of fun and relaxing. Only caught two slot cuts, but it was fun!
d4l1 if you dont see any reports here on the gd board go to the strawberry archive board [url ";"]click here[/url]
Since the wiper tourney is over I will be heading up to the berry more ofter now I can't stay away from that place. I have plans to fish it for three days over the Memorial Day weekend. I will post when I get back.
I think a lot of guys were working over Willard due to the tourney, but I'm sure you'll hear about it more real soon now. That pic is a great looking cutty! Thanks for sharing.
You are right my friend the algae was everywhere this weekend acording to a friend of mine.He only got a fat 19 inch cutt and a ton of chubs.
i herd of a 17 pound bow caught in the channel last week. the old man killed it and gave fillettes to my parents.
Well thanks for all the info I am excited for this weekend. Yes, that was a cold day last fall.. I think it was the coldest non-frozen water day I have fished in a long time. All of us had knumb fingers the next day.
I am going tomorrow ...thought i would try indian creek and horse creek ? any one have a better place ? i will be in a pontoon.
will report if it was any good.....................
If I was using my toon I would launch at haws point. Then work my way across to horse creek. Row or kick to the back and drift minnows. The wind should *gently* guide you back to the north. Good luck and good fishing.
The reports have slowed down because the fishing has slowed way down. I went up a week ago and only caught two in four hours fly fishing. Not very many hits at all. Water is bad and fish aren't biting.
Fishing has not slowed down, I have done great the last two weekends. 2 weeks ago caught 12 rainbows and 2 cutts and last week ended up with 5 cutts and 1 rainbow. Both weeks the Cutts were very nice size and even caught a 22 last week. Let him go

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