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SC get together anyone?
I was just curious how many of our SC and neighboring state users would like to get together for some fishing and cooking out.

If enough BFT members are interested, I have no problem organizing and setting it up. My thoughts are gathering somewhere like Myrtle Beach State Park, or something along those lines that would be cheap lodging for our travelers and would set the tone for a weekends worth of fishing, food, and fun.

This is just a thought. I know there are alot of users that mostly just read the posts on this board to see what's going on. Here's your chance to get involved. This is for registered BFT users ONLY!

Reply to this post and give me some idea of who would be interested. This doesn't cost a thing. Just your camp site or hotel, and a little time.

If I get enough responses, I can actually pre-book camp sites, hotels, boat and equipment rentals, and have everything set up for each individual that would like to be part of the "gathering." Anyone interested in pricing, just let me know. I'll post all that on this thread granted enough of a response warrants it.

Thanks guys!!! Remember, the summer months are fading fast, so if you're waiting on a fairy to magic your butt to the beach for some fishing, it's not going to happen. But here's your chance to do it cheap and have someone else organize it for you. And among all else, spend some time with fellow BFT'rs and wet a hook. [cool]
nice to see u trying to get ppl together, id have to know a date b4 i could tell u if i could go or not
Before i'll set a date, i'll be looking for at least 5 willing participants. Once that happens, i'll begin the organizing process. I'll get a general idea of who's serious about comming, what would work for the masses, and go from there.

I appreciate your interest in getting together with fellow BFT'rs. Other states do this quite frequently, as I hope to do for SC in the future. I just need enough takers.
Yea i know how that is with ppl saying they are gonna do something but dont i hope it works out but like i said im not sure if i can go or not because of dates (BTW do u guys need another mod on these boards?)
As of right now, i'm sure that the boards are fully stocked, but i'm not positive. I know the SC board doesn't need another mod. You can always PM theangler or davetclown and ask.

These are some of the requirments to be a Mod:

1. Decent computer skills and understanding
2. Professional attitude and work ethics
3. Uncanny knowledge of the board you're applying for. For instance, if you're applying to be a mod on the saltwater board, you really need to know your stuff. You need a wide range of knowledge so you can answer the questions associated with that board. Between tubn2 and I, there's over 50 years experiance right there on the saltwater board, there isn't much that either he or I haven't encountered during our time. TomC has great knowledge of boats and things of that nature, hints the reason he was accepted as the Boat message board mod. SO, keep this in mind if and when you decide to apply to be a mod for a board.
4. You must be 18 years of age or older and a registered user.

Those are not all the requirements, but those are some of the biggies. Being a mod is very fun, atleast for me; but it can also be very demanding. Good Luck![cool]

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