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Report from Rivers End Tackle

STRIPED BASS- Its been another good week for live bait fishing. Some
good bass are hitting bunker or hickory shad at Southwest ,Bartletts and
Long Sand Shoal. Theres still bunker around the Connecticut River
Mouth, Clinton and Westbrook Harbors. Theres been surface action with
schoolies on the east side of Plum Gut, Montauk and Bartletts Reef. In the
River the Causeway has good schoolie action casting leadheads in the
bridge currents.
Theres been some action at the RI Breachways but overall the action
there has been on the slow side for the fall. Niantic has some bass on the
ebb tides.

BLUEFISH- Normally blues start heading for deeper waters towards the
latter part of this month but the water is still 60 degrees and theres
plenty to eat near shore.The River has blues up to mid teen in sizes,
numbers of fish have dropped sharply. The Race, Plum Gut, Southwest Reef,
Long Sand Shoal and Hatchetts all have good sized blues. The mouths of
Clinton and Westbrook Harbors also have some choppers hanging around.

PORGIES- The warmer waters are keeping them around at Hatchetts,
Bartletts and Southwest Reefs.

BLACKFISH- Its picked up nicely with limit catches being common,
particularly from Black Point to the mouth of the Thames River.

FALSE ALBACORE- Theres still some good reports as of yesterday at Plum
Gut. Theres been albies spotted at Southwest Reef and Long Sand Shoal.
Montauk has been quiet.

HOURS- The sun is rising later and so are we. Monday -Friday 6am
to 7pm

Saturday 5am to 6pm

Sunday 5am to 4pm

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