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Late November Ditch Hoppin' Along the Kankakee
Hit a few of my favorite ditches today, and went hunting for a few more new ones...I was successful on both scores!

The most productive bait for me today was a 1/4oz. Snagless Sally dressed with a 3.5" tail section from a chartreuse Culprit worm - took 3 bass between 12-13" on the spinner; switched over to a shortened Tiki worm, T-rigged weightless on a 5/0 Gamakatsu deep gap hook and started taking the fish that bumped the spinner but wouldn't take it - 2 more bass on the worm.

[Image: bass1.jpg]'s one of the small bass from today

The temperature started dropping off and so did the action, so we headed home...on the way home Lura spotted these 2 does on the side of the road...

[Image: deer1-1.jpg]
...they're a little difficult to see, but I highlighted the area...they were only 8 feet from the van window, when I took this pic.

Nature Notes: saw that the junco population is increasing rapidly, the sandhills are still around, saw several deer today (all does), and on the drive home saw a small herd walking a crop line between to forrested area (on private property, of course).

...all in all, another fine day down by the Kankakee!


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