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Lake El Salto report
For November 01st-30th, 2006
Air Temp: 69°-74°F (Early Morning and late evenings) 80°-84°F (Siesta time)
Water Temp: 78°-80°F
Average number of bass per boat per day: 15-30 with some at 50-60
Largest bass caught: 10-1/2 lb

1. Rat-L-Traps in ½ & ¾-ounce in silver with blue back and silver with black back.
2. Storm WildEye 3”, 4” and 5-inch Swim Shads in pearl white, golden mullet, shad and fire tigre.
3. Yamamoto Senkos, Yum Dingers or Bass Pro Shops 5, 6 & 7-inch Stinkos in black with blue flake, watermelon, watermelon red flake, red shad and white & chartreuse.
4. Rapala X-Rap or 4 to 5-inch jerkbaits in white, clown, perch and shad.
5. Eight inch Zoom or Yum Lizards and 10-inch Berkley Powerworms in watermelon, black with blue tail, blue flake, red shad, junebug, watermelon red flake
6. Bomber Fat Free Shad & Rapala DT10 Crankbaits Deep and Médium divers in citrus shad, parrot, fire tiger and white.
7 Rico Pop R in white, white with sparkles and silver & black.
8. Zara Spook, Sammy and Reaction Innovations Vixen in clear, chrome with black top and white
9. Buzzbaits in ½ & 5/8-ounce in black, black with blue, white, chartreuse.

Fluctuating Water Levels Continue To Plague El Salto Lake Anglers

That darn weatherman continues to throw curves at us. He finally gave us the rain we needed, but then didn’t know when to quit.

El Salto Lake fishing has been inconsistent lately due to the fluctuating water levels. The lake came up about 20-feet overnight in mid-September. The lake began dropping back to normal levels and each day the fishing was getting a little better.

Three weeks after the water stopped going over the spillway, the lake was down an estimated 15 to18-feet. Then came another of those unwelcome “curves” we mentioned. About three weeks ago Hurricane Paul hit and brought the lake up another foot. Right now some water is still going over the spillway.

As we’ve mentioned, as the water levels fluctuates so has the fishing success. Here’s what we’ve been seeing lately. One morning some boats are coming in with only 5 to10 bass. In the afternoon those same boats may take 40 to 50 fish.

The key to success is to find the baitfish. There are literally millions of them currently in the lake. The reason is that the tilapia have just spawned. The trouble is the baitfish schools are scattered and aren’t always easy to find.

Other Mexican bass lakes have been experiencing similar problems. Nothing is more important to us than the support and confidence of our customers. That’s why you’re seeing what you’re reading in this report. We believe in “telling it like it is” and will continue to do so.

Some customers have rescheduled trips as a result of current conditions. We’ll understand if you choose to do the same. However, El Salto is now dropping and the angling outlook should and probably will change in a hurry

Half ounce chrome and blue Rattle Traps have been among the best lures lately for anglers successful in finding fish. The 4-inch Storm WildEye Swim shad in shad, golden mullet and white colors have also been good. Senkos and similar baits bait have been doing especially well on the banks and points.

John Sabel was one of our recent guests. Here’s what he had to say about his trip: “Aloha, Maggie! I just wanted to thank you for all of your help. My trip was super. Everything worked out great! From the moment I arrived in Mazatlan to the time my plane left, it was perfect. The staff at Anglers Inn is the best. They spoil you with service and attention. My guide was Agapito. I wanted him to fish and teach me how to do it right. He is a kind and patient man. I really enjoyed my time fishing with him. He taught me to count in Spanish and I taught him to say “Aloha” as we let the fish go. I will request him as my guide again on my next trip as we search for “EL Grande“. I have shown my fish pictures to all of my friends here and they cannot believe the size of them. I also tell them that the fishing was not as good as usual because of the high water levels. Oh well, I had the trip of a lifetime anyway and plan on returning as soon as my wife lets me. Please let Chappy know I will spread the word here in Hawaii about your wonderful lake and lodge. Thanks again for all of your help getting me there.”

Travis Tuma is a regional sales manager for Rapala. Here is What he says about his recent visit to Anglers Inn: “Greetings Chappy! Here's a fishing story from our trip last week. We were fishing a bay of a large timber point. It consisted of shallow water, submerged timber, and a few smaller points. There were bass surfacing and chasing baitfish all over. Both me and my fishing partner were using Rapala X-Rap jerk baits. We caught a couple in the timber but as soon as we hit the shallow water the fish really started going. We would cast out the jerkbait, give it a couple of twitches, pause, let the bait suspend, and do it over again. The bass were just smacking it on the pause. When we realized there were hundreds of bass in this 100-yard stretch, we then started to cast and twitch the X-Rap at a quicker pace because of how aggressive the bass were. With both of us casting up front it became a game of who could cast to the un-fished spots first. We were catching so many that we expected to catch a fish on every cast. It was awesome! We both got the "X-Rap wrist" from twitching and setting the hook so many times. Our guide was laughing at us as we were talking about it, but we weren't complaining! After about 80 to 100 bass in 2 ½-hours, we called it a day. We both agreed it was the best bass fishing we've ever had.”

Kathy Morrison says she had a good time when she was here in mid-November. “We had a great time fishing El Salto on Nov. 11. Although the fish never turned on, we caught a few. The accommodations at Anglers Inn were excellent and the food was plentiful and very tasty. We will definitely do this again. Thanks so much for arranging our trip and making it a wonderful experience.”

David Wilcox was another of our recent guests. He fished saltwater out of Mazatlan than visited Anglers Inn at El Salto. He says: “Javier, I hope all is well for you and that you were successful in the tournament this past weekend. I wanted to drop you a line and tell you that the care and customer service Enrique and you provided to us this past week was second to none. At first I was skeptical to book any fishing trips on line. However, you patiently answered all of my tedious questions via my lengthy emails. Of course once we arrived you paired us up with "El Gallo" and our saltwater trips were exceptional. Unfortunately, the bass fishing was not what we expected due to fluctuating water levels, but that is why it is fishing and not catching. Thank you very much for pairing us up with Angler's Inn. Their accommodations and service are the best I have received and when I return to Mexico I might just stay at their lodge. Once again thank you for going the extra mile and I can assure you anyone traveling to Mexico, I will direct towards your company.”

Here is what Mike Thurston had to say about his November trip “Dear Chappy just wanted to drop you a line and thank you for another wonderful trip. Our trip on Nov.8th-Nov 13th was my first in four years due to health problems but nothing has changed. Same great food, service and last but not least, the awesome staff, it was good seeing all of the old friends and made some new ones. Well if the lake had been any higher we could have launched the boats from our rooms, amazing how full the lake was, but I never seen it so green. My friend Greg Fox and I fished for four days and averaged 30 to 40 fish per day. We did not break the 10 lb. mark on this trip but caught fish up to 7 lbs. There were schools of shad and tilapia everywhere. Our strategy was to find bass herding shad and cast into the boils, it got crazy at times not knowing which way to cast. Our best baits were rattletraps chrome blue, chrome black, six inch white flukes, and Senkos rigged wacky style in green pumpkin and watermelon. Again, thank you for everything, Mike Thurston.”

Steve and Julie Boone had these comments about their recent trip “I have attached two photos of us with some nice fish. The fish I am holding is 8.8 pounds, and Steve's fish was 6.7 pounds. What a difference a few months makes at El Salto. During our trip in July 2006, the lake was the lowest we have seen it in 10 years, and after returning four months later, the lake was the fullest we have seen it in 10 years. This was our 17th trip to Anglers Inn, and there was so much water covering the trees and normal landmarks that we actually felt lost some of the time. With so much new water and new shorelines, the fish were very spread out, as were the baitfish. We had to work a little harder than usual at El Salto, but we still managed to get plenty of nice fish into the boat. We would really concentrate on the bass that were schooling around the baitfish, and when you could find them, you could have some fast action. Our best success with these schooling fish was with Chrome & Blue Rattletraps, White Flukes, and X-Rap jerkbaits, and we landed some of our bigger fish on 4" swimbaits. The fish we caught were all fat and very healthy looking and mean as ever, and with all of the baitfish in the water, we expect that El Salto will be producing some huge fish in the coming season. Although the fishing was not as predictable as we would have liked, we still had a fantastic trip. Everything around the lake is beautiful and green, and with the water being so high, we were able to go way back up into the rivers and canyons, and explore places we had never seen before. We enjoyed seeing the 1000's of ducks and birds that have arrived for the winter, as well as a lot of other wildlife around the lake. Our guide German was great as usual, and the staff and the food were wonderful. The Anglers Inn staff is like a family to us, and we always feel at home there, and are looking forward to coming back in a few months.”

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