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Al Carpone and the Rock Star
[cool][#0000ff]TubeBabe and I met up with mojorising and flygoddess down at Lincoln Beach this morning. We got on the water a bit before they did, thanks to some errors in the directions I sent them. I already had a white bass, a carp and a 23 inch cat by the time they launched. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Tubebabe had headed down the lake and she was fishin' fer serious fer them kitties. I more or less quit at one and "hooked up" with the newbies, who had never fished Utah Lake with their flyrods before and were looking to learn a bit about it. I steered them toward the warmer shallow cove to the south of the dikes. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I was throwing plastics and banging little white bass. I also got to tussle with a couple of carpkind. Even had a bullhead cat on briefly, on a black plastic.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Flygoddess got them dialed in and had several hits and a couple of fish on (and off) before bringing in her first big flyrod carp. She liked it. Then she proceded to land two or three small rocks in a row. We dubbed her a rock star.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Finally she started whipping a new glass rod that had just been made for her and hooked into a big ol' buglemouth that acted like a bonefish...zinging line off the reel. She did a fine job of whuppin' it and posed for pics. Mojo (her husband) decided they should name the new rod Al Carpone.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Mojo was having a good time wavin' the long rod, and had quite a few hits, but the only slime he got on his hands was from one of the pesky five inch "walleye chow" white bass that were hanging out in those shallows.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]TubeBabe did score a couple of kitties in the far flung reaches. One was 18" and 2.5 pounds. The other was 20 inches and 3.3 pounds. Both together did not add up to her smallest on Friday. But, there was a lot of (helpful) boat traffic today and we supposed there was even more yesterday. That usually slows down the kitty action in the shallows.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Water temp was 49 at launch and 53 when we got off the water about 1. Light southerly breezes early, then calm, then a northerly breeze. As is customary at LB, when the north breeze comes up, the fish clam up.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I had met Mojo before, at meetings for the Stonefly Society, but this was our first meeting with Flygoddess. Much fun. Hope you guys enjoyed it more than working next week.[/#0000ff]
Looks like you guys had a great time. The water temps are moving up quickly! [Smile]
Hey TD, I was down there today too but didnt have as much luck as you guys and gals. It was my first time on UL with my boat so I have no idea where the heck I was that is for sure. We set off from the main Utah Lake State Park visitor center marina and went south for a while. I only managed to catch one White Bass and that is it. I dont even know if we were close to lincoln beach. We were as far south as where it looks as though they dumped a bunch of concrete pipes along the shore???? Know where that is??? Guess I am going to need a guide to help me with UL this year. Still better than being at work that is for sure.
I have a hunch that you were almost direct east of Bird Island (although not sure it is an island these days). Lincoln Beach was probably about 2 to 3 miles southwest from you.
Nice report and pics TD. I wonder if we have a carp convert from that Smile on FGs face. I mean they're not much to look or even to eat. But an ole buglemouth sure can make a fun fishin day. And they sure break up the standard whitebass action LOL
[cool][#0000ff]I'll be happy to put my tube in mothballs for a day and climb in the boat with ya sometime. If you want to make a day of it, and hit a couple of locations, I can show you a lot that will help you shorten the learning curve.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Utah Lake is a big lake. Like many lakes it is a 90/10 lake. 90 percent of the fish are in only about 10 percent of the water. Once you learn the higher percentage spots, and how things change throughout the year, you are better able to plan where to go and how to fish.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I do not have any idea where those pipes might be. I seldom see much of the lake from open water after any kind of run from a launch area. Float tubes have their limitations but if you are in the right area you can sometimes do better than most of the power squadron.[/#0000ff]
[cool][#0000ff]Bird Island is very visible from Lincoln Beach right now. There is still a huge pile of ice stacked up on it by the wind clearing the lake. It looks like an iceberg in the middle of the lake.[/#0000ff]
That would be awesome if you could help me out TD. I do have a tube and a toon too, so you may not have to climb in the boat unless you want to. Only reason I use the boat is because I am paying for it why not us it right? How much further south is Lincoln Beach from the airport? We started the day by the airport tower then hit the concrete tubes or whatever they were after that (they were maybe a mile south of the airport????). Anyhow, maybe one of these days we will have to meet up and you can show me the ropes of UL. Main reason for todays trip was to see how the boat ran and it did great so it was not time wasted for sure, plus I didnt get skunked[Wink]!!! Thanks again TD
Road, you got that right. I am a Carpaholic now. I had a blast. Actually I am not smiling, I am grtting my teeth trying to lift that fatty[laugh]
Tube Dude is the BEST. Put us Lint Flingers onto fish and then feeding us after all was said and done (Kittie Fritters Mmmmmmmm)
Tube Babe wasn't going to hang around with us newbies, she went WAY! off onher own and brought back the gold.
Thanks again so much you two.
I have seen those pipes from my boat, and the ones I am familiar with are east of Bird Island.
Good job, looks like its time to start going after the cats!
[cool][#0000ff]I'd be happy to join you however you wanna go fishin'. I was just thinking that for a "show and tell" session, the boat could cover more water. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I prefer fishing from a tube for the stealth approach and the hands free freedom. There's also something about the "hand to fin" combat thing...being right down amongst 'em while sluggin' it out with a big ol' biggun.[/#0000ff]

[#0000ff]Let me know when you wanna go and I will try to fit you onto my dance card. My schedule is fairly flexible with at least 15 minutes notice...but only for fishing.[/#0000ff]
Yeppers UL carp made a convert out of me also. There are days I sneak off from work (lindon boat harbor) and target the ole buglemouths. Ultralight tackle and you can be in heaven in no time. But kepp it quite we get too many chasein them bad boys they will get even harder to catch. Glad ya had a good time and TD and his Babe are the best.
[black][size 3]With as long as that lake has been there, the amount of traffic I think isn't going to effect a whole lot.[/size][/black]
[black][size 3]Plus with the way the Carp get piled up in the Lower Provo just before Utah lake, I don't think there is an immediate chance of distinction[laugh][/size][/black]
[black][size 3]Heck, I have lived in SL for years and this is the first time I have been there since I was a little girl and went there to play at Saratoga (my Dad was into sailboat racing then)[/size][/black]
[size 3][/size]
[size 3]But I know how you feel about keeping honey holes to PM's only.[/size]

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